Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

Device-Clean Scripts for Floppy Disks and CD-ROM

The disk_clean script is used for both floppy disk drives and CD-ROM devices. When the disk_clean script is run during boot time, any media found in a device is ejected. Whether it is run at boot time or when the device is deallocated, if the eject succeeds, the script prompts the user to affix to the media a physical label with the appropriate label. If the eject(1) command fails, the device is put in the allocate error state.

When a file system from either a floppy or CD is mounted as part of allocation, a File Manager pops up with the current directory set to the mount point. The Security Administrator role can prevent the automatic display of the File Manager by following the procedure in "To Prevent File Manager Display After Device Allocation". The mounting of file systems from floppy disks is handled differently from the mounting of file systems from CDs, as described in "Mounting an Allocated CD-ROM Device" and "Mounting an Allocated Floppy Device".