Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Assign Device Authorizations to an Account

  1. Assume the Security Administrator role, launch the Solaris Management Console in the appropriate scope, and click Users. Provide a password when prompted.

  2. Double-click the User Accounts tool, and click the Rights tab.

  3. Assign to the user a rights profile that contains the Allocate Device authorization.

    If the defaults have not been modified, assign the rights profile Convenient Authorizations or All Authorizations.

  4. To assign a rights profile to a role account, double-click the Administrative Roles tool, and double-click the role to be modified.

    1. If the role should be able to allocate devices, choose a profile from the following table.

      Table 12-6 Default Profiles that Include Device Allocation Authorization

      Authorization Name 

      Default Profiles 

      Allocate Device 

      All Authorizations 


      Convenient Authorizations 


      Device Management 


      Media Backup 


      Media Restore 


      Object Label Management 


      Software Installation 


      SSP Installation 

    2. If the role should be able to revoke or reclaim devices, choose one of the following profiles.

      Table 12-7 Default Profiles for Administering Devices


      Default Profile 

      Default Role 

      Revoke or Reclaim Devices 

      Device Management 


      All Authorizations 

      Not assigned 

    3. If the role should be able to create or configure devices, choose one of the following profiles.

      Table 12-8 Default Profiles for Creating Devices


      Default Profile 

      Default Role 

      Configure Device Attributes 

      Device Security 


      Host Alternate Pathing 


      All Authorizations 

      Not assigned 

    If none of the default profiles are appropriate for the account being reconfigured, the Security Administrator role can create a new profile that includes the device allocation authorization(s), either by themselves or along with any other commands needed by the profile's users to perform the desired work (such as the allocate, deallocate, and tar commands). Creating a new profile is described in "Adding or Modifying a Rights Profile".