Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

To Alias vi to trusted_edit

Caution - Caution -

Because trusted_edit launches a window, it cannot be used for command line editing. Command line editing may be the only option available in a remote login session, so for this reason, do not assign trusted_edit as the only editor for a role, unless the role never needs to do remote editing on the command line.

  1. Search for the vi function in the .profile file in the role's home directory:

    vi() {adminvi $1;}
  2. Replace adminvi with trusted_edit:

    vi() {trusted_edit $1;}
  3. Make sure the following entry is also made in the $HOME/.Xdefaults-hostname file in the SLD at each label at which the role works:

    Dtterm*LoginShell: true 

    Note -

    Make a file for each hostname the role uses. For example, when the role works on computers named tern and toucan, create a $HOME/.Xdefaults-toucan and a $HOME/.Xdefaults-tern in each SLD.