Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

Default Templates for Unlabeled or RIPSO Computers

The Trusted Solaris environment supports communications with computers running operating environments that do not recognize labels (such as the Solaris operating environment). A computer that does not recognize labels or that uses RIPSO labels must be assigned a single label and a clearance. The label and clearance restrict communications with that computer. Before assigning a template that has the Unlabeled or RIPSO host type to an unlabeled host, specify the following:

Caution - Caution -

When creating or modifying a template for an unlabeled or RIPSO-type computer, do not forget to change the default label to reflect the level of trust it should be accorded. Administrators who report problems with not being able to communicate with remote single-label computers at the expected label have usually forgotten to specify that label in the Default Label field.

The default unlabeled and ripso host type templates are valid only when either the default label_encodings file is used or another label encodings file with the same label names and binary representations for the labels. See the online help in the Security Families tool for descriptions of the default unlabeled or RIPSO templates.

Do not use the admin_low template during normal system operations. The admin_low template is needed during initial boot only, before the system is configured. The template assignment is stored in the tnrhtp and tnrhdb databases in /etc/security/tsol on the installed machine. Once the system is configured, the Security Administrator role should either remove the entry entirely or change it to assign a template with an appropriate hots type and security attributes.