Trusted Solaris Label Administration

Climbing the Security Learning Curve

The management identifies an experienced administrator who:

That person is assigned the job of Security Administrator.

Long before installing Trusted Solaris software, the Security Administrator starts to learn about security and to prepare a plan for the site's security policy--starting with a plan for the site's labels as described in the immediately-following sections.

By reading the Trusted Solaris User's Guide and the Trusted Solaris Administration Overview, the Security Administrator becomes familiar with the distinctions between types of labels and how labels are compared when access control decisions are being made. Reading the Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures guide prepares the Security Administrator to assume the Security Administrator role for administering system security and assigning administrative responsibilities. The section called "Implement Trusted Solaris in Accordance with Site Security" in Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration provides guidance on creating a site's security policy.

The Security Administrator also reads "Authorizations and Label Translation" in this guide to review concepts directly related to setting up security and encoding labels.