Trusted Solaris Label Administration


The PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL: NEED_TO_KNOW label is intended for information that is proprietary to the company, has a higher level of sensitivity than INTERNAL_USE_ONLY, and has a more limited audience. Distribution is limited to employees who have a need to know the information and to others who have signed nondisclosure agreements who also have a need to know.

For example, if only the group of people working in a particular project should see certain information, then NEED_TO_KNOW should be used on that information. People who receive information with this label can copy it and pass it on to other people who also have a need to know and have signed a nondisclosure agreement. Whenever information should be restricted to a particular group, the name of the group should be specified on the printed or otherwise-copied version of the information.

Having the name of a group in this label makes it clear that the information should not be given to anyone outside of the group. Information with this label may not be sent over the Internet but it may be sent via email within the company.

Product design documents 

Project details 

Employee Status Change Form