Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format

Release 2.2 CMW Labeling Software

This report documents the encodings format processed by Release 2.2 of the Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling software. It completely replaces [DDS-2600-6216-91], which documented Release 2.1 of the software. This document is intended to be used by vendors who have incorporated Release 2.2 of the software into their products as the basis for their Trusted Facility Manual documentation on the encodings file. This document describes the purpose of the various components of the encodings under the assumptions that:

  1. Release 2.2 of the Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling software is incorporated into a CMW in accordance with DIA user interface guidelines;

  2. Release 2.2 of the software is used to construct printer banner pages in the same manner as the demonstration program distributed with that software, but placing only the long names of words in the printer banner;

  3. The flags feature of the translation software is not used by the system;

  4. The system supports a maximum of 256 characters per line in the encodings file;

  5. The system supports a maximum of 256 classifications;

  6. The system supports a maximum of 128 compartment bits;

  7. The system supports a maximum of 128 marking bits; and

  8. There are no other limitations other than the amount of memory that can be allocated to process the encodings file.

    Vendors should modify this documentation as appropriate before incorporating it into their documentation if they have used the flags feature in their system, or have different limitations than those described above.

    Furthermore, this document is written without assuming that a graphical user interface for changing labels is supported. If such an interface is supported and is compliant with the guidelines in [DDS-2600-6215-91], then the vendor should consider extending this documentation to more fully explain the effects of the encodings on the graphical user interface, e.g., the effect of hierarchies and combination constraints on the annotation of words that cannot be selected (see guideline G5 in [DDS-2600-6215-91]).