Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format

The Markings= Keyword

The optional markings= keyword is used to specify which marking bits (if any) must be 1 or 0 if the word is present in a label. For example, if the word is a codeword, the marking bit(s) associated with that codeword would be specified.

The specification of marking bits starts with the first non-blank character following the blank after the keyword, and continues up to the next semicolon or the end of the line. The specification consists of zero or more blank-separated subspecifications which consist of either 1) a decimal integer specification of a bit position, numbering bits from the left starting at 0, or 2) a range of such bit positions specified as two decimal integers with a “-” in between. The start of a range must be lower than the end of a range. The maximum bit position allowed is 127, for a total of 128 bits. Each of these subspecifications can be immediately preceded by a ~ (with no blank in between) to indicate that the specified bits must be 0.

The following table shows markings specification examples.

Table 4–2 Markings Specifications
 Specification Meaning
 markings= 1; Marking bit 1 must be on (1)
 markings= 2-3; Marking bits 2 and 3 must be on (1)
 markings= ~4; Marking bit 4 must be off (0); this would be an inverse marking
 markings= ~5-7; Marking bits 5, 6, and 7 must be off (0)
 markings= 1 3; Marking bits 1 and 3 must be on (1)
 markings= ~4 6; Marking bit 4 must be off (0), and bit 6 must be on (1)
 markings= ~4 ~6; Marking bits 4 and 6 must be off (0)
 markings= 2 4-6; Marking bits 2, 4, 5, and 6 must be on (1)
 markings= ; Ignored

The markings= keyword is of critical importance in implementing the desired label adjudications for the words in a system, because this keyword, along with the compartments= keyword, specifies the association between human-readable words and the internal bit representations that are logically “or-ed” together when labels are adjudicated.

Chapter 8, Enforcing Proper Label Adjudications discusses how the compartments= and markings= (see above) keywords can be used to effect the various types of adjudications described in Chapter 1, Introduction.