man pages section 3: Library Functions
 accept -- accept a connection on a socket ( Index Term Link )
 adornfc -- adorn the final component of a pathname ( Index Term Link )
 au_preselect -- preselect an audit record ( Index Term Link )
 au_user_mask -- get user's binary preselection mask ( Index Term Link )
 audit control file information
  -- endac ( Index Term Link )
  -- getacdir ( Index Term Link )
  -- getacflg ( Index Term Link )
  -- getacinfo ( Index Term Link )
  -- getacmin ( Index Term Link )
  -- getacna ( Index Term Link )
  -- setac ( Index Term Link )
 audit record tokens, manipulating, -- au_preselect ( Index Term Link )
 auditwrite -- construct user-level audit records ( Index Term Link )
 aw_errno -- obtain and display auditwrite error messages ( Index Term Link )
 aw_geterrno -- obtain and display auditwrite error messages ( Index Term Link )
 aw_perror -- obtain and display auditwrite error messages ( Index Term Link )
 aw_perror_r -- obtain and display auditwrite error messages ( Index Term Link )
 aw_strerror -- obtain and display auditwrite error messages ( Index Term Link )
 bclearhigh -- initialize admin high binary clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bclearlow -- initialize admin low binary clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bcleartoh -- binary clearance to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcleartoh_r -- binary clearance to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcleartos -- binary clearance to string ( Index Term Link )
 bclearundef -- initialize undefined binary clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bclearvalid -- check validity of binary clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bclhigh -- initialize admin high binary CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 bcllow -- initialize admin low binary CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 bcltobanner -- translate binary CMW label to printer banner page fields ( Index Term Link )
 bcltoh -- binary CMW label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcltoh_r -- binary CMW label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcltos -- binary CMW label to string ( Index Term Link )
 bcltosl -- reference sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 bclundef -- initialize undefined binary CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 bind -- bind a name to a socket ( Index Term Link )
 bind an address to a transport endpoint -- t_bind ( Index Term Link )
 blcompare -- compare labels ( Index Term Link )
 bldominates -- compare levels for dominance ( Index Term Link )
 blequal -- compare levels for equality ( Index Term Link )
 blinrange -- compare level to be between bounding levels ( Index Term Link )
 blinset -- check level for set inclusion ( Index Term Link )
 blmanifest -- create manifest binary labels ( Index Term Link )
 blmaximum -- least upper bound of two binary levels ( Index Term Link )
 blminimum -- greatest lower bound two binary levels ( Index Term Link )
 blportion -- access binary labels ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 blstrictdom -- compare levels for strict dominance ( Index Term Link )
 bltocolor -- get character-coded color name of label ( Index Term Link )
 bltocolor_r -- get character-coded color name of label ( Index Term Link )
 bltype -- check type of binary label ( Index Term Link )
 blvalid -- check validity of binary label ( Index Term Link )
 bslhigh -- initialize admin high binary sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 bsllow -- initialize admin low binary sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 bsltoh -- binary sensitivity label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bsltoh_r -- binary sensitivity label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bsltos -- binary sensitivity label to string ( Index Term Link )
 bslundef -- initialize undefined binary sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 bslvalid -- check validity of binary sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 btohex -- convert binary label to hexadecimal ( Index Term Link )
 chkauthattr -- verify user authorization ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_call -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_control -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create_timed -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create_vers -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_create_vers_timed -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_destroy -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_dg_create -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_freeres -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_geterr -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_pcreateerror -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_perrno -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_perror -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_raw_create -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_spcreateerror -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_sperrno -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_sperror -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_tli_create -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_tp_create -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_tp_create_timed -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clnt_vc_create -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 clock_getres -- high-resolution clock operations ( Index Term Link )
 clock_gettime -- high-resolution clock operations ( Index Term Link )
 clock_settime -- high-resolution clock operations ( Index Term Link )
  accept a connection on a socket -- accept ( Index Term Link )
  bind a name to a socket -- bind ( Index Term Link )
  create an endpoint for communication -- socket ( Index Term Link )
  listen for connections on a socket -- listen ( Index Term Link )
  send a message from a socket -- send, sendto, sendmsg ( Index Term Link )
 construct user-level audit records -- auditwrite ( Index Term Link )
 convert binary clearance to canonical string -- sbcleartos ( Index Term Link )
 convert binary CMW label to canonical string -- sbcltos ( Index Term Link )
 convert binary sensitivity label to canonical string -- sbsltos ( Index Term Link )
 convert hexadecimal string to binary clearance -- hextobclear ( Index Term Link )
 convert hexadecimal string to binary CMW label -- hextobcl ( Index Term Link )
 convert hexadecimal string to binary label -- hextob ( Index Term Link )
 convert hexadecimal string to binary sensitivity label -- hextobsl ( Index Term Link )
 convert string to binary clearance -- stobclear ( Index Term Link )
 convert string to binary CMW label -- stobcl ( Index Term Link )
 convert string to binary sensitivity label -- stobsl ( Index Term Link )
 create a door descriptor -- door_create ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 current working directory, get pathname -- mldmldgetcwd ( Index Term Link )
 directories, get pathname of current working directory -- mldgetcwd ( Index Term Link )
 display auditwrite error messages
  -- aw_errno ( Index Term Link )
  -- aw_geterrno ( Index Term Link )
  -- aw_perror ( Index Term Link )
  -- aw_perror_r ( Index Term Link )
  -- aw_strerror ( Index Term Link )
 dn_comp -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 dn_expand -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 door_create -- create a door descriptor ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 door_tcred -- return extended credential information associated with client of current door invocation ( Index Term Link )
 endac -- get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 endauclass -- close audit_class database file ( Index Term Link )
 endauevent -- close audit_event database file ( Index Term Link )
 endauthattr -- get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endauuser -- get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 endexecattr -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 endprofattr -- get profile description and attributes ( Index Term Link )
 enduserattr -- get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 endutent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 endutxent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 extract sensitivity label -- getcsl ( Index Term Link )
 file status, get -- mldstat, mldlstat ( Index Term Link )
 file tree
  recursively descend -- ftw ( Index Term Link )
  recursively descend -- nftw ( Index Term Link )
 fp_resstat -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 free_authattr -- release memory ( Index Term Link )
 free_execattr -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 free_profattr -- get profile description and attributes ( Index Term Link )
 free_proflist -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 free_proflist -- get profile description and attributes ( Index Term Link )
 free_userattr -- get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 ftw -- walk a file tree ( Index Term Link )
 generate random pronounceable password -- randomword ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- endexecattr ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- free_execattr ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- free_proflist ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- getexecattr ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- getexecprof ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- getexecuser ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- get_profiles ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- match_execattr ( Index Term Link )
 get execution profile entry -- setexecattr ( Index Term Link )
 get profile description and attributes -- endprofattr ( Index Term Link )
 get profile description and attributes -- free_profattr ( Index Term Link )
 get profile description and attributes -- free_proflist ( Index Term Link )
 get profile description and attributes -- getprofattr ( Index Term Link )
 get profile description and attributes -- getproflist ( Index Term Link )
 get profile description and attributes -- getprofnam ( Index Term Link )
 get profile description and attributes -- setprofattr ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry -- enduserattr ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry -- free_userattr ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry -- getuserattr ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry -- getusernam ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry -- getuseruid ( Index Term Link )
 get user_attr entry -- setuserattr ( Index Term Link )
 get_profiles -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 get user audit characteristics for peer -- getpeerinfo ( Index Term Link )
 getacdir -- get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacflg -- get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacinfo -- get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacmin -- get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getacna -- get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassent -- get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassent_r -- get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassnam -- get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauclassnam_r -- get audit_class database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauditflags() -- generate process audit state ( Index Term Link )
 getauditflagsbin -- convert audit flag specifications ( Index Term Link )
 getauditflagschar -- convert audit flag specifications ( Index Term Link )
 getauevent -- get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevent_r -- get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnam -- get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnam_r -- get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnonam -- get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnum -- get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauevnum_r -- get audit_event database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauthattr -- get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauthnam -- get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauuserent -- get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauuserent_r -- get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauusernam -- get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getauusernam_r -- get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 getcsl -- extract sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 getexecattr -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 getexecprof -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 getexecuser -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 getpeerinfo -- get peer's process characteristics ( Index Term Link )
 getprofattr -- get profile description and attributes ( Index Term Link )
 getproflist -- get profile description and attributes ( Index Term Link )
 getprofnam -- get profile description and attributes ( Index Term Link )
 getuserattr -- get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 getusernam -- get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 getuseruid -- get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 getutent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutid -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutmp -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutmpx -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutxent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutxid -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getutxline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 getvfsaent -- get vfstab_adjunct file entry ( Index Term Link )
 getvfsafile -- search for vfstab_adjunct file entry ( Index Term Link )
 grantpt -- grant access to the slave pseudo-terminal device ( Index Term Link )
 group IDs, supplementary, initialize -- initgroups ( Index Term Link )
 h_alloc -- allocate memory for a hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 h_free -- free hexadecimal string memory ( Index Term Link )
 hextob -- hexadecimal string to binary label ( Index Term Link )
 hostalias -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 hstrerror -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 htobcl -- hexadecimal string to binary CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 htobclear -- hexadecimal string to binary clearance ( Index Term Link )
 htobsl -- hexadecimal string to binary sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 initgroups -- initialize the supplementary group access list ( Index Term Link )
 kernel virtual memory functions
  kstat_read -- read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
  kstat_write -- read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_read -- read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
 kstat_write -- read or write kstat data ( Index Term Link )
 kva_match -- look up a key in a key-value array ( Index Term Link )
 label builder
  tsol_lbuild_create ( Index Term Link )
  tsol_lbuild_destroy ( Index Term Link )
  tsol_lbuild_get ( Index Term Link )
  tsol_lbuild_set ( Index Term Link )
 label clipping
  Xbcleartos ( Index Term Link )
  Xbcltos ( Index Term Link )
  Xbsltos ( Index Term Link )
 label encodings file
  get file version -- labelvers ( Index Term Link )
  information about the label encodings -- labelinfo ( Index Term Link )
 label library
  bclearhigh ( Index Term Link )
  bclearlow ( Index Term Link )
  bcleartoh ( Index Term Link )
  bcleartoh_r ( Index Term Link )
  bcleartos ( Index Term Link )
  bclearundef ( Index Term Link )
  bclearvalid ( Index Term Link )
  bclhigh ( Index Term Link )
  bcllow ( Index Term Link )
  bcltobanner ( Index Term Link )
  bcltoh ( Index Term Link )
  bcltoh_r ( Index Term Link )
  bcltos ( Index Term Link )
  bcltosl ( Index Term Link )
  bclundef ( Index Term Link )
  bldominates ( Index Term Link )
  blequal ( Index Term Link )
  blinrange ( Index Term Link )
  blinset ( Index Term Link )
  blmaximum ( Index Term Link )
  blminimum ( Index Term Link )
  blstrictdom ( Index Term Link )
  bltocolor ( Index Term Link )
  bltocolor_r ( Index Term Link )
  bltype ( Index Term Link )
  bslhigh ( Index Term Link )
  bsllow ( Index Term Link )
  bsltoh ( Index Term Link )
  bsltoh_r ( Index Term Link )
  bsltos ( Index Term Link )
  bslundef ( Index Term Link )
  bslvalid ( Index Term Link )
  getcsl ( Index Term Link )
  h_alloc ( Index Term Link )
  h_free ( Index Term Link )
  htobcl ( Index Term Link )
  htobclear ( Index Term Link )
  htobsl ( Index Term Link )
  labelinfo ( Index Term Link )
  labelvers ( Index Term Link )
  sbcleartos ( Index Term Link )
  sbcltos ( Index Term Link )
  sbsltos ( Index Term Link )
  setbltype ( Index Term Link )
  setcsl ( Index Term Link )
  stobcl ( Index Term Link )
  stobclear ( Index Term Link )
  stobsl ( Index Term Link )
 labelinfo -- information about the label encodings ( Index Term Link )
 labelvers -- label_encodings file version ( Index Term Link )
 library routines for client side calls
  -- clnt_call ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_freeres ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_geterr ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_perrno ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_perror ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_sperrno ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_sperror ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc_broadcast ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc_broadcast_exp ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc_call ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc_clnt_calls ( Index Term Link )
 library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles
  -- clnt_control ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_create_timed ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_create_vers ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_create_vers_timed ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_destroy ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_dg_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_pcreateerror ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_raw_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_spcreateerror ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_tli_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_tp_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_tp_create_timed ( Index Term Link )
  -- clnt_vc_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc_clnt_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc_createerr ( Index Term Link )
 library routines for RPC servers
  -- rpc_svc_calls ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_dg_enablecache ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_done ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_exit ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_fdset ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_freeargs ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_getargs ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_getreq_common ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_getreq_poll ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_getreqset ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_getrpccaller ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_max_pollfd ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_pollfd ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_run ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_sendreply ( Index Term Link )
 libt6 -- TSIX trusted IPC library ( Index Term Link )
 listen -- listen for connections on a socket ( Index Term Link )
 lock address space, -- mlockall ( Index Term Link )
 lock memory pages, -- mlock ( Index Term Link )
 manage options for a transport endpoint -- t_optmgmt ( Index Term Link )
 match_execattr -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 memory lock or unlock, calling process -- plock ( Index Term Link )
 memory management
  lock address space -- mlockall ( Index Term Link )
  lock pages in memory -- mlock ( Index Term Link )
  unlock address space -- munlockall ( Index Term Link )
  unlock pages in memory -- munlock ( Index Term Link )
 mldgetcwd -- get pathname of current working directory ( Index Term Link )
 mldlstat -- get status on symbolic link file in MLD ( Index Term Link )
 mldrealpath -- return absolute pathname ( Index Term Link )
 mldrealpathl -- return absolute pathname ( Index Term Link )
 mldstat -- get file status in MLD ( Index Term Link )
 nftw -- walk a file tree ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ group manipulation functions
  -- nis_addmember ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_creategroup ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_destroygroup ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_groups ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_ismember ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_print_group_entry ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_removemember ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_verifygroup ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ log administration functions
  -- nis_checkpoint ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_ping ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ miscellaneous functions
  -- nis_freeservelist ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_freetags ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_getservlist ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_mkdir ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_rmdir ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_server ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_servstate ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_stats ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ namespace functions
  -- nis_add ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_freeresult ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_lookup ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_modify ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_names ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_remove ( Index Term Link )
 NIS+ table functions
  -- nis_add_entry ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_first_entry ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_list ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_modify_entry ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_next_entry ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_remove_entry ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -- nis_tables ( Index Term Link )
 plock -- lock or unlock into memory process, text, or data ( Index Term Link )
 printing, translate binary CMW label to printer banner page fields -- bcltobanner ( Index Term Link )
 processes, memory lock or unlock -- plock ( Index Term Link )
 pseudo-terminal device, grant access to the slave pseudo-terminal device -- grantpt ( Index Term Link )
 pututline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 pututxline -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 randomword -- generate random pronounceable password ( Index Term Link )
 read or write kstat data
  -- kstat_read ( Index Term Link )
  -- kstat_write ( Index Term Link )
 reference sensitivity label -- bcltosl ( Index Term Link )
 remote procedure calls, library routines for -- rpc ( Index Term Link )
 replace sensitivity label -- setcsl ( Index Term Link )
 res_hostalias -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_init -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_mkquery -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_nclose -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_ninit -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_nmkquery -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_npquery -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_nquery -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_nquerydomain -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_nsearch -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_nsend -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_nsendsigned -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_query -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_querydomain -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_search -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_send -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 res_update -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 resolver -- resolver routines ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- dn_comp ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- dn_expand ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- fp_resstat ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- hostalias ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- hstrerror ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_hostalias ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_init ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_mkquery ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_nclose ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_ninit ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_nmkquery ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_npquery ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_nquerydomain ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_nquery ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_nsearch ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_nsend ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_nsendsigned ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- resolver ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_querydomain ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_query ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_search ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_send ( Index Term Link )
 resolver routines -- res_update ( Index Term Link )
 return extended credential information associated with client of current door invocation -- door_tcred ( Index Term Link )
 rpc -- library routines for remote procedure calls ( Index Term Link )
 RPC bind service library routines
  -- rpcb_getaddr ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpcb_getallmaps ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpcb_getmaps ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpcb_gettime ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpcb_rmtcall ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpcb_set ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpcb_unset ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpcbind ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_broadcast -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_broadcast_exp -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_call -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_clnt_calls -- library routines for client side calls ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_clnt_create -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_createerr -- library routines for dealing with creation and manipulation of CLIENT handles ( Index Term Link )
 RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles
  -- rpc_svc_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_create ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_destroy ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_dg_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_fd_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_raw_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_tli_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_tp_create ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_vc_create ( Index Term Link )
 RPC library routines for registering servers
  -- rpc_reg ( Index Term Link )
  -- rpc_svc_reg ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_auth_reg ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_reg ( Index Term Link )
  -- svc_unreg ( Index Term Link )
  -- xprt_register ( Index Term Link )
  -- xprt_unregister ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_svc_calls -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_svc_create -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 rpc_svc_reg -- RPC library routines for registering servers ( Index Term Link )
 rpcb_getaddr -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 rpcb_getallmaps -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 rpcb_getmaps -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 rpcb_gettime -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 rpcb_rmtcall -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 rpcb_set -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 rpcb_unset -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 rpcbind -- library routines for RPC bind service ( Index Term Link )
 sbcleartos -- binary clearance to canonical string ( Index Term Link )
 sbcltos -- binary CMW label to canonical string ( Index Term Link )
 sbsltos -- binary sensitivity label to canonical string ( Index Term Link )
 security policy ( Index Term Link )
 send -- send message from a socket ( Index Term Link )
 send a data unit -- t_sndudata ( Index Term Link )
 send data or expedited data over a connection -- t_snd ( Index Term Link )
 sendmsg -- send message from a socket ( Index Term Link )
 sendto -- send message from a socket ( Index Term Link )
 set_effective_priv -- set the effective privileges for the current process. ( Index Term Link )
 set_inheritable_priv -- set the inheritable privileges for the current process. ( Index Term Link )
 set_permitted_priv -- set the permitted privileges for the current process. ( Index Term Link )
 setac -- get audit control file information ( Index Term Link )
 setauclass -- rewind audit_class database file ( Index Term Link )
 setauevent -- rewind audit_event database file ( Index Term Link )
 setauthattr -- get authorization database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setauuser -- get audit_user database entry ( Index Term Link )
 setbltype -- set type of binary label ( Index Term Link )
 setcsl -- replace sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 setexecattr -- get execution profile entry ( Index Term Link )
 setprofattr -- get profile description and attributes ( Index Term Link )
 setuserattr -- get user_attr entry ( Index Term Link )
 setutent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 setutxent -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 socket -- create an endpoint for communication ( Index Term Link )
  accept a connection -- accept ( Index Term Link )
  bind a name -- bind ( Index Term Link )
  get options -- getsocketopt ( Index Term Link )
  listen for connections -- listen ( Index Term Link )
  send message from -- send, sendto, sendmsg ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  set options -- setsocketopt ( Index Term Link )
 stobcl -- string to binary CMW label ( Index Term Link )
 stobclear -- string to binary clearance ( Index Term Link )
 stobsl -- string to binary sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
  accept a connection on a socket -- accept ( Index Term Link )
  bind a name to a socket -- bind ( Index Term Link )
  create an endpoint for communication -- socket ( Index Term Link )
  get and set socket options -- getsockopt, setsockopt ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  listen for connections on a socket -- listen ( Index Term Link )
  send a message from a socket -- send, sendto, sendmsg ( Index Term Link )
 svc_auth_reg -- RPC library routines for registering servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_control -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 svc_create -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 svc_destroy -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 svc_dg_create -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 svc_dg_enablecache -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_done -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_exit -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_fdset -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_freeargs -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_getargs -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_getreq_common -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_getreq_poll -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_getreqset -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_getrpccaller -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_max_pollfd -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_pollfd -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_reg -- RPC library routines for registering servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_run -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_sendreply -- library routines for RPC servers ( Index Term Link )
 svc_tli_create -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 svc_tp_create -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 svc_vc_create -- RPC library routines for creation and manipulation of server handles ( Index Term Link )
 t_accept -- accept a connection request ( Index Term Link )
 t6alloc_blk -- allocates security-attribute control structure and buffer ( Index Term Link )
 t6attr_query -- get mask indicating which attributes came from templates ( Index Term Link )
 t_bind -- bind an address to a transport endpoint ( Index Term Link )
 t6clear_blk -- clear security attributes ( Index Term Link )
 t6cmp_blk -- compare security attributes ( Index Term Link )
 t6copy_blk -- copy security attributes ( Index Term Link )
 t6dup_blk -- duplicate security attributes ( Index Term Link )
 t6ext_attr -- manipulate network-endpoint security options ( Index Term Link )
 t6free_blk -- frees security-attribute control structure and buffer ( Index Term Link )
 t6get_attr -- get security attributes from the security-attribute buffer handled by a control structure ( Index Term Link )
 t6get_endpt_default -- get endpoint default attributes ( Index Term Link )
 t6get_endpt_mask -- get endpoint mask ( Index Term Link )
 t6last_attr -- examine the security attributes on the previous byte of data ( Index Term Link )
 t6new_attr -- manipulate network-endpoint security options ( Index Term Link )
 t_optmgmt -- manage options for a transport endpoint ( Index Term Link )
 t6peek_attr -- examine the security attributes on the next byte of data ( Index Term Link )
 t6recvfrom -- read security attributes and data from a trusted endpoint ( Index Term Link )
 t6sendto -- specify security attributes to send with data on a trusted endpoint ( Index Term Link )
 t6set_attr -- set security attributes in the security-attribute buffer handled by a control structure ( Index Term Link )
 t6set_endpt_default -- set endpoint default attributes ( Index Term Link )
 t6set_endpt_mask -- set endpoint mask ( Index Term Link )
 t6size_attr -- get the size of a particular attribute from the control structure ( Index Term Link )
 t_snd -- send data or expedited data over a connection ( Index Term Link )
 t_sndudata -- send a data unit ( Index Term Link )
 terminal device, slave pseudo, grant access -- grantpt ( Index Term Link )
 translate binary clearance to string -- bcleartos ( Index Term Link )
 translate binary CMW label to string -- bcltos ( Index Term Link )
 translate binary label to printer banner -- bcltobanner ( Index Term Link )
 translate binary sensitivity label to string -- bsltos ( Index Term Link )
 TSIX trusted IPC library -- libt6 ( Index Term Link )
 tsol_lbuild_create -- create a user interface for interactively building a valid label or clearance ( Index Term Link )
 tsol_lbuild_destroy -- destroy label builder user interface ( Index Term Link )
 tsol_lbuild_get -- get user interface for label builder ( Index Term Link )
 tsol_lbuild_set -- change user interface information for label builder ( Index Term Link )
 unlock address space, -- munlockall ( Index Term Link )
 unlock memory pages, -- munlock ( Index Term Link )
 updwtmp -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 updwtmpx -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- endutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- endutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutid ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutmp ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutmpx ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutxid ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- getutxline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- pututline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- pututxline ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- setutent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- setutxent ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- updwtmp ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- updwtmpx ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- utmpname ( Index Term Link )
 user accounting database functions -- utmpxname ( Index Term Link )
 utmpname -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 utmpxname -- user accounting database functions ( Index Term Link )
 vfstab_adjunct file
  get entry -- getvfsaent ( Index Term Link )
  search for entry -- getvfsafile ( Index Term Link )
 write user-level audit records -- auditwrite ( Index Term Link )
 Xbcleartos -- binary clearance to string with font list ( Index Term Link )
 Xbcltos -- binary CMW label to string with font list ( Index Term Link )
 Xbsltos -- binary sensitivity label to string with font list ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetClientAttributes -- get client attrs ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetPropAttributes -- get all prop attrs ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetPropLabel -- set resource label ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetPropUID -- get property uid ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetResAttributes -- get all attrs ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetResLabel -- get resource label ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetResUID -- set resource uid ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetSSHeight -- get screen stripe height ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLgetWorkstationOwner -- get ownership ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLIsWindowTrusted -- test Trusted Window ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLMakeTPWindow -- Make Trusted path window ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetPolyInstInfo -- set poly instantiation info ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetPropLabel -- set resource label ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetPropUID -- set property uid ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetResLabel -- set resource label ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetResUID -- set resource uid ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetSessionHI -- set SL ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetSessionLO -- set SL ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetSSHeight -- set screen stripe height ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLsetWorkstationOwner -- set ownership ( Index Term Link )
 XTSOLShutdown -- shutdown system ( Index Term Link )