Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Roadmap

Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Roadmap

This roadmap can help you get started with the Trusted SolarisTM operating environment. The roadmap provides the following assistance:

Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Materials

The Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 product includes the following materials:

Documentation Overview

The Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 operating environment is based on the Solaris 8 2/02 software release and the Solaris 8 HW 12/02 hardware release. Thus, you need access to the complete Solaris 8 2/02 document set in addition to the Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 document set. The Trusted Solaris document set focuses on the those aspects of the environment that are different from the Solaris environment.

The docs.sun.comSM Web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation online. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject. The URL is Print versions can be downloaded from this site.

Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Document Set

The Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Documentation CD contains instructions on how to install the online versions of the documentation on a Trusted Solaris server at your site. The Trusted Solaris document set consists of the following books:

Online Documentation and Man Pages

Online help is provided in the Trusted Solaris operating environment. The Front Panel help icon provides help when you use CDE. The Solaris Management Console help system provides help when you use the administration graphical user interface. This online help describes the Trusted Solaris modifications of CDE and the Solaris Management Console.

An extensive library of man pages for the Trusted Solaris operating environment is available in the Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Reference Manual. You can read man pages at the command line by using the man command.

Note –

If a man page is in both the Solaris and the Trusted Solaris reference manuals, refer to the man page in the Trusted Solaris 8 HW 12/02 Reference Manual. The Trusted Solaris man page includes information that is unique to the Trusted Solaris operating environment.

Accessing Trusted Solaris Man Pages

The man pages for the Trusted Solaris environment reside in three different directories. For the man command to find all the Trusted Solaris man pages, your man page path needs to include the following three directories:

If your site uses other directories for man pages, those directories must also be included in the man page path.

For C shell users, the MANPATH variable can be set individually by users in their shell initialization files. The variable can also be set globally by administrators in site-wide shell initialization files. To set the MANPATH variable, enter the following:

% setenv MANPATH="/usr/dt/man:/usr/openwin/man:/usr/man:$MANPATH"

To check a system's current MANPATH setting, enter:

% echo $MANPATH

This command displays the three paths that are previously mentioned, and displays any other paths to man pages at your site.

Installing the Trusted Solaris Operating Environment

Installing and configuring the Trusted Solaris environment involves more than loading executable files, entering your site's data, and setting configuration variables. The Trusted Solaris environment also requires considerable background knowledge for making decisions that enforce your site's security policies. Trusted Solaris software provides a unique environment that is based on the following concepts:

If you are unfamiliar with the Trusted Solaris operating environment, you might do the following: