Trusted Solaris 8 HW 7/03 Transition Guide

Commands and Functions

Commands and functions have been modified. Some modifications are due to technical changes in the product. Some changes are due to removal of nonstandard interfaces.

Table 1–8 Trusted Solaris 8 Man Pages for User, Profile, and Authorization Functions

Trusted Solaris 7 Database Functions 

Trusted Solaris 8 Man Page 

getuserent(), setuserent(), getuserentbyname(), getuserentbyuid(), free_userent(), enduserent()


getprofent(), setprofent(), getprofentbyname(), getprofstr(), getprofstrbyname(), free_profent(), free_profstr(), endprofent(), endprofstr(), putprofstr()


auth_to_str(), str_to_auth(), auth_set_to_str(), str_to_auth_set(), free_auth_set(), get_auth_text(), chkauth()
