Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

Chapter 3 Security

An important part of using the Solstice AdminSuite software is understanding its security features and setting up security policies to protect your administrative data.

This is a list of the step-by-step instructions in this chapter.

Security Information

Solstice AdminSuite uses the distributed system administration daemon (sadmind) to carry out security tasks when you perform administrative tasks across the network. The sadmind daemon executes the request on the server on behalf of the client process and controls who can access Solstice AdminSuite.

Administering security involves authentication of the user and authorization of permissions.

User and group identities are used for authorization checking as follows:

Security Levels

Each request to change administration data contains a set of credentials with a UID and a set of GIDs to which the user belongs. The server uses these credentials to perform identity and permission checks. Three levels of authentication security are available.

The security levels are described in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Solstice AdminSuite Security Levels


Level Name 



No identity checking is done by the server. All UIDs are set to the nobody identity. This level is used mostly for testing.


The server accepts the original user and group identities from the client system and uses them as the identities for the authorization checks. There is no checking to be sure that the UID of the user represents the same user on the server system. That is, it is assumed the administrator has made the UIDs and GIDs consistent on all systems in the network. Checks are made to see if the user has permission to execute the request. 


Credentials are validated using DES authentication, and checks are made to be sure that the user has permission to execute the request. The user and group identities are obtained from files on the server system by mapping the user's DES network identity to a local UID and set of GIDs. The file used depends on which name service is selected on the server system. This level provides the most secure environment for performing administrative tasks and requires that a publickey entry exists for all server systems where the sadmind daemon is running, and for all users accessing the tools.

Note -

Level 1 is the default security used by sadmind.

Changing the Security Level

You can change the security level from Level 1 to Level 2 by editing the /etc/inetd.conf file on each system, and adding the -S 2 option to the sadmind entry. If you do this, make sure that the servers in the domain are set up to use DES security.

You do not need to maintain the same level of security on all systems in the network. You can run some systems, such as file servers requiring strict security, at security Level 2, while running other systems at the default Level 1 security.

See the description of how to set up security for NIS+ in NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide.

Name Service Information

The sadmind daemon uses information held by the name service. The three sources of information are:

On each system, the /etc/nsswitch.conf file lists several administrative files, followed by a list of one or more keywords that represent the name services to be searched for information. If more than one keyword is listed, they are searched in the order given. For example, the entry

group:	files nisplus

indicates that the security mechanism looks first in the local /etc/group file for an entry. If the entry exists, the security mechanism uses the information in this entry. If the entry doesn't exist, the NIS+ group file is searched.

By default, systems running the Solaris 2.4 and higher OS release have an entry for group 14 in the local /etc/group file. If you want to set up your system to use network-wide information, do not add members to the sysadmin group on the local system. Instead, update the group14 entry found in the group table stored in the name service.

When running under Level 2 security, the security mechanisms use the public/private key information. Make sure that the entry for publickey is followed by either nis or nisplus (depending on which name service you are using), and remove the files designation. See NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide for more information about the nsswitch.conf file.

Things to Consider When Creating a Security Policy

Consider the following when creating a security policy for using Solstice AdminSuite in a name service environment.

Note -

Setting up a local policy does not disable a global policy. Name service access is determined by the nsswitch.conf file.

Creating a Level 2 DES Security System

Creating a Level 2 DES security system requires a number of steps that depend upon your system configuration. The following sections describe how to set up your system to have level 2 DES security for systems using /etc, NIS, and NIS+ name services.

How to Create Level 2 DES Security for Systems Using /etc Name Service

  1. On each system that runs the sadmind daemon, edit the /etc/inetd.conf file.

    Change this line (or one similar to this):

    100232/10	tli	rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind


    100232/10	tli	rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind -S 2
  2. On each system that runs the sadmind daemon, set the /etc/nsswitch.conf entry for publickey to files.

    Change this entry (or one similar to this):

    publickey:	nis [NOTFOUND=return] files


    publickey:	files
  3. Create credentials for all group 14 users and all of the systems that will run sadmind -S 2.

    1. Log in as root to one of the systems that will run sadmin -S 2.

    2. Run the following command for each user that will run AdminSuite.

      # newkey -u username

      Note -

      You must run this command even for users who are not in group 14. If you are not in group 14 and do not have credentials, you are not a user according to sadmind; you will not be able to run any methods, even those that do not require root. You will have to supply the user's password to the newkey program.

    3. Run the following command for every host that you have configured to run secure sadmind.

      # newkey -h hostname

      You will have to provide the root password for each of these hosts to the newkey program.

    4. Copy the /etc/publickey file on this system to each of the hosts (put this file in /etc/publickey).

      This file contains all the credentials for each user and each host.

      Note -

      Do not run newkey on each of the systems. This seems to create a different public/private key pair, and the public key will not be valid across the network. You must create this file on one machine and then copy it to all the others.

    5. As root, enter the following command on each system to put root's private key in /etc/.rootkey.

      # keylogin -r

      By doing this, you will not have to keylogin as root on every system every time you want to run admintool; this creates an automatic root keylogin at boot time.

  4. Create an /etc/netid file for each user and each system; put this file on all of the systems.

    1. For each user in the publickey file, create an entry in /etc/netid that looks like the following:

      unix.uid@domainname	uid: uid: gid,gid, ...
    2. List every group that this user is a member of; sadmind -S 2 and files look to netid rather than /etc/group to determine group 14 membership.

    3. For each host in the publickey file, create an entry in /etc/netid that looks like the following:

      unix.hostname@domainname			0:hostname
    4. Copy this file to every system in /etc/netid.

  5. Reboot all of the machines.

  6. On each system that you want to run the application on, log in and then keylogin. (You must be a member of group 14.)

    After the keylogin, you can safely log out; your key is stored in the keyserv daemon until you explicitly keylogout or the system reboots.

How to Create Level 2 DES Security for Systems Using NIS Name Service

  1. On each system that runs the sadmind daemon, edit the /etc/inetd.conf file.

    Change this line (or one similar to this):

    100232/10	tli	rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind


    100232/10	tli	rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind -S 2
  2. On each system that runs the sadmind daemon, set the /etc/nsswitch.conf entry for publickey to nis.

    Change this entry (or one similar to this):

    publickey:	nis [NOTFOUND=return] files


    publickey:	nis
  3. Create credentials for all group 14 users and all of the systems that will run sadmind -S 2.

    1. Log in as root on the NIS server.

    2. Run the following command for each user that will run AdminSuite.

      # newkey -u username -s files

      Note -

      You must run this command even for users who are not in group 14. If you are not in group 14 and do not have credentials, you are not a user according to sadmind; you will not be able to run any methods, even those that do not require root. You will have to supply the user's password to the newkey program.

    3. Run the following command for every host that you have configured to run secure sadmind.

      # newkey -h hostname

      You will have to provide the root password for each of these hosts to the newkey program.

    4. Copy the /etc/publickey file on this system to the source file that is specified in /var/yp/Makefile; remake and push the nis maps.

      # cd /var/yp; make
  4. Verify that you are a member of group 14 in the group/nis maps.

    1. Login as root.

    2. Change directories to the source file specified in /var/yp/Makefile.

    3. Manually edit the group file and add yourself to group 14, just as you did in the /etc/group file.

    4. Change directories to /var/yp and run make.

      # cd /var/yp; make

      You should see the group map pushed; a message appears indicating that this action has occurred.

      Note -

      The security system looks in the NIS maps for your group 14 access and will fail if you do not have group14 specified there, regardless if your /etc/nsswitch.conf file has group files nis.

      When sadmind is running in -S 2 mode, it uses the publickey entry to determine which name service to look at for user credentials. When the entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf is nis, it looks in the nis group map to ensure that the user is a member of group 14.

  5. As root, enter the following command on each system to put root's private key in /etc/.rootkey.

    # keylogin -r

    By doing this, you will not have to keylogin as root on every system every time you want to run AdminSuite; this creates an automatic root keylogin at boot time.

  6. To ensure that the nscd gets flushed, reboot all of the workstations.

  7. On each system that you want to the application to run on, log in and then keylogin. (You must be a member of group 14.)

    After the keylogin, you can safely log out; your key is stored in the keyserv daemon until you explicitly keylogout or the system reboots.

How to Create Level 2 DES Security for Systems Using NIS+ Name Service

  1. On each system that runs the sadmind daemon, edit the /etc/inetd.conf file.

    Change this line:

    100232/10	tli	rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind


    100232/10	tli	rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind -S 2
  2. On each system that runs the sadmind daemon, set the /etc/nsswitch.conf entry for publickey to nisplus.

    Change this entry (or one similar to this):

    publickey:	nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files


    publickey:	nisplus
  3. Log in as root on the NIS+ master server; create credentials for all group 14 users and all of the systems that will run sadmind -S 2.

    1. Create local credentials for the user.

      # nisaddcred -p uid username.domainname. local
    2. Create des credentials for the user.

      # nisaddcred -p unix.uid@domainname -P username.domainname. des
  4. Log in as root on the NIS+ master server; add all of the users for the AdminSuite to the NIS+ group 14 using the following command.

    # nistbladm -m members=username,username...[name=sysadmin],group.org_dir

    Note -

    The use of this function replaces the current member list with the one that is input; therefore, you must include all members you wish to be a part of group 14.

  5. As root, add all of the users for the AdminSuite to the NIS+ admin group.

    # nisgrpadm	 -a admin username

    Verify that the NIS_GROUP environmental variable is set to admin.

  6. On all the workstations that you intend to run the admintool, enter the following command.

    # keylogin -r
  7. Reboot all of the workstations; verify that the nscd gets flushed.

  8. On each system that you want to the application to run on, log in and then keylogin. (You must be a member of group 14.)

    After the keylogin, you can safely log out; your key is stored in the keyserv daemon until you explicitly keylogout or the system reboots.