Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

Before Using Software Usage Monitoring

Before you use software usage monitoring, you need to complete a number of steps. Usually, these steps only need to be done once; however, it may be necessary to repeat some of them.

The steps required to set up software usage monitoring depend upon the environment in which you intend to run software usage monitoring. The following procedures describe how to set up software usage monitoring on a server and/or a client if you so choose.

How to Verify Software Usage Monitoring Has Been Installed on a Software Usage Monitoring Server

  1. Verify that software usage monitoring server side code has been installed on the host server.

    $ cd /opt/SUNWswusg/bin
    $ ls
    swu_print	swu_svr

    If software usage monitoring has not been installed, refer to the Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Installation and Product Notes for information about installing software usage monitoring.

  2. Verify that the swu_svr daemon is running on the host server.

    $ ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep swu_svr
    root 264 1 0 Jan 04 console 2:43 /opt/SUNWswusg/bin/swu_svr
    jod 752 311 1 14:50:16 pts/3 0:00 grep swu_svr

    If the swu_svr daemon is not running, start the swu_svr daemon. Refer to the "Starting and Stopping the swu_svr Daemon" that describes how to start and stop the swu_svr daemon.

    Note -

    If you wish to generate software usage monitoring information on a host, the software usage monitoring client binary packages should be installed on that host or should be made available to that host through NFS.

How to Verify That Software Usage Monitoring Is Installed and Enabled on a Client

  1. Verify that software usage monitoring client code has been installed on the host server.

    $ cd /opt/SUNWswusg/bin
    $ ls
    swu_queue	swu_rpt

    If software usage monitoring has not been installed, refer to the Solstice AdminSuite 2.2 Installation and Product Notes for information about installing software usage monitoring.

  2. Verify that the swu_queue is enabled.

    $ cd /var/opt/SUNWswusg/swusage
    $ ls

    If queue_disabled appears after the ls command, login as root and enable the queue as shown below.

    $ ls
    # /opt/SUNWswusg/bin/swu_queue -e
    # ls

How to Verify that Software Usage Monitoring is Enabled on a Host in a Shared File System Environment

  1. Verify that a software usage monitoring server has been added to the name service.

    $ rpcinfo -t host 120100
    program 120100 version 1 ready and waiting
  2. Verify that the swu_rpt command is executable (through a shared file system or copied locally) by any shell scripts that use it.

    Note -

    Refer to the Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Installation and Product Notes document for information about how to set up your swusage_host server.