Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

Removing the Master Log File

To keep your file system from filling up, you will periodically have to clean up the master log file; however, you must follow a certain procedure to properly remove this log file to prevent future data loss.

The following procedure describes how to safely remove the master log file.

How to Remove the Master Log File

  1. Log in as root on the software usage monitoring server.

  2. Move the master log file to a temporary log file.

    # mv /var/opt/SUNWswusg/swusage.log /tmp/tmp.log
  3. Perform any processing you wish to /tmp/tmp.log.

  4. Remove /tmp/tmp.log.

    # rm /tmp/tmp.log
  5. Log out.

    Note -

    This procedure moves all the software usage record entries located in swusage.log to a new file; any new records generated during this procedure will cause a new swusage.log file to be created.