Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

How to Add Solaris 2.x OS Services to an OS Server

  1. Start Host Manager from the Solstice Launcher and select the name service, if not done already.

    See "How to Start Host Manager" for more information.

  2. Select an OS server to modify from the Host Manager main window.

  3. Select Modify from the Edit menu on the Host Manager window.

    The Modify window is displayed.

  4. Click on the Add button in the OS Services window to add services.

  5. Click on Set Path to identify the path to the Solaris CD image from which to add the client services.

    The Install Server defaults to the current host. Select Other from the Install Server menu to specify another host as the install server. Note that a remote system must be minimally set up as a managed system.

    If You Are Using ... 

    And ... 

    Then Enter the Path ... 

    The Solaris CD as the Solaris CD image 

    The Solaris CD is managed by Volume Management


    /cdrom/cdrom0 or/cdrom/cdrom0/s0 or /cdrom/cdrom0/s2

    The Solaris CD is not managed by Volume Management 

    Where you mounted the Solaris CD 

    A copy of the Solaris CD on the Install Server's hard disk (by using setup_install_server)


    Where you specified setup_install_server to copy the Solaris CD

  6. Specify the type of services you want to add and click on Add.

    The OS service is added to the OS Services list and marked with a plus sign (+), which means it will be added when you save changes. You can use the Delete button to delete an OS service from the list before you save changes.

  7. Click on OK on the Add window.

  8. Select Save Changes from the File menu to add services.

Example of a Completed Add OS Services Window


Example of a Command-Line Equivalent for Adding Services to an OS Server

The following command is equivalent to using Host Manager to add OS services on an OS server.

% admhostmod -x mediapath=jupiter:/cdrom/cdrom0/s0 -x platform=sparc.sun4c.Solaris_2.5

In this command,

-x mediapath= jupiter:/cdrom/cdrom0/s0

Specifies that the Solaris CD image is on a mounted CD on a remote system named jupiter. Note that the remote system must be minimally set up as a managed system.

-x platform= sparc.sun4c.Solaris_2.5

Specifies the services to be installed, in this case the Solaris 2.5 services for a SPARC Solaris, Sun4c kernel architecture. 


Specifies the name of the OS server.