Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

How to Modify the Properties of a Mount Point or Directory

  1. Select a directory or mount point from the main window.

    You can select a directory or mount point from the main browser, the Mount Point list, or the Shared Resource list.

    Note -

    Once you select a mount point or directory, the Object menu may allow you to automatically mount a file system, unmount a file system, share a directory, or unshare a directory. If you want to complete one of these tasks, it is faster to use the Object menu rather than make the change using the Property Book.

  2. Choose Properties from the Object menu.

    The property book for the file system or directory is displayed.

  3. Open the available chapters to modify the properties for the mount point or directory.

    Click on Help in the property book to see detailed information about each chapter.

  4. Click on OK.

Example of a File System Manager Property Book
