Solstice AdminSuite 2.3 Administration Guide

x86: How to Set Up a System to Automatically Boot From the Network

This procedure describes how to create an x86 multiple device boot (MDB) diskette so that your x86 diskless client will always boot from the network--so you do not have to be there to boot it. Otherwise, if the master MDB diskette is inserted into the drive, an x86 system will attempt to boot off the C drive after a power cycle (for more information see "x86: Booting From the Network").

Note -

Before following these steps to create an MDB boot diskette, obtain the master MDB diskette for the x86 system and a blank 1.44 Mbyte diskette. The blank diskette will be formatted, so do not use a diskette with data on it.

  1. Become root on your server.

  2. Change your working directory.

    # cd /opt/SUNWadm/2.3/floppy
  3. ++

    Create the MDB boot diskette.

    # ./mk_floppy

    The script prompts you when to insert the MDB master diskette and the blank diskette, and provides additional status information.

    Please insert the master MDB floppy and press Return:
    Please insert a blank floppy and press Return:
    Formatting 1.44 MB in /dev/rdiskette
    fdformat: using "./mdboot" for MS-DOS boot loader
    Successfully created the AutoClient floppy.

    Note -

    Even though the script says that it created an AutoClient floppy, you can also use this floppy on diskless x86 systems.

  4. Insert the MDB boot diskette into the diskette drive of the x86 system.

    You must leave this boot diskette in the diskette drive so that the system will automatically boot from the network if a power cycle occurs.