Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Installation and Release Notes

How to Install Solstice AutoClient Software

  1. Insert the product CD into your CD-ROM drive.

    If your system is not running Volume Management, you must mount the CD with the following commands before accessing it:

    # mkdir /cdrom
    # mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s0 /cdrom
  2. Log in as a member of the sysadmin group for that system (group 14).

    Note -

    If you are installing the software on a local system, you do not have to be a member of the sysadmin group; you can install the software as root.

  3. Verify that you are a member of the sysadmin group.

    $ groups

    If the sysadmin group is listed in the output, proceed to the next step. If not, follow the instructions in "Becoming a Member of the sysadmin Group".

  4. Change directories to the product directory on the CD.

    $ cd /cdrom/solstice_sysmgt_2_3
  5. Run the admin_install script in the product directory.

    Help is available during the installation. The main installation window shown below appears.

    $ ./admin_install

    Welcome to the Solstice Installation Program ...
    To exit the installation process at any time, type 0
    and press the Return key.
    	1. Install AdminSuite 2.3 and AutoClient 2.1
    	2. Install SunSoft Print Client (Solaris 2.3 - 2.5.1 only)
    	3. Install Software Usage Monitoring Toolkit
       4. Set up systems to use AdminSuite and AutoClient
    	5. Installation Help
    Enter the number for one or more choices, separated by a space and
    then press the Return key.
    [default: 1]>>>
  6. Enter option number 1 - Install AdminSuite 2.3 and AutoClient 2.1.

    The AdminSuite Software Location window shown below appears.

    AdminSuite Software Location
    	1. /opt
           Choose this option if you intend to support only one 
            architecture of the software.
    	2. /export/opt
           Choose this option if you need to support multiple architectures
           and if you will set up other systems that will NFS mount 
    	3. Specify location
           Choose this option if you intend to set up other systems to 
     		  NFS mount AdminSuite but you do not want to install the 
    		  software in /export/opt.
       	4. Installation Help
    Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 and press the Return key.
    [default: 1]>>>
  7. Choose one of the following options that will install the software in the appropriate directory.

    Option 1: /opt

    This installation directory is the recommended directory; with this option, only one architecture can be used with the software. Once this option has been chosen, the following Installation Summary window appears.

    ==== Installation Summary ====
    Product(s):				AdminSuite/AutoClient
    Install Directory:	/opt
    Host(s):	your_host_name
    Start Installation
    Do you want to start the installation?
    			1. Start installation
    			2. Cancel installation

    After confirming that the directory and host are correct, enter 1 to continue with the installation. You will see a scrolling list of the log activities. If the installation is successful, the following message will display in your installation window: Successfully installed product: AdminSuite/AutoClient

    Option 2: /export/opt

    This option enables you to support multiple architectures and enables you to set up other systems that use NFS to mount AdminSuite. Once this option is chosen, you have to specify how clients will mount the AdminSuite software. The following window appears.

    How will clients mount this software?
    	1. Systems will use the automounter
           Choose this option if you will be configuring the automounter
     		  for clients to access the software.
    	2. Systems will mount via /etc/vfstab file
    	   Choose this option if you will be setting up clients to use
     	   the /etc/vfstab to mount the software. A symlink will be made
     	   on the file server in /opt to point to the installation 
    	3. Installation Help
    Type 1, 2 or 3 and press the Return key.
    [default: 1]>>>
    1. Choose the desired mount method.

      Note -

      If you choose Option 1: Systems will use the automounter, this option enables clients to access the AdminSuite software using the automounter mount method. If you choose this method, you will need to add entries indicating the location of the Solstice AdminSuite software to the automounter maps. Refer to Chapter 5, Adding Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Support to the Automounter, for information about how to configure your automounter maps. A note appears reminding you that you will have to add entries to your automounter map indicating where AdminSuite is installed. Press the Return key to continue.

      The following AdminSuite Supported Platforms window appears.

      AdminSuite Supported Platforms
      	1. sparc
             				Choose this option if you intend to manage systems based
                 on the SPARC platform.
      	2. i386
             				Choose this option if you intend to manage systems based
                 on the Intel x86 or Pentium platform.
      Enter one or more choices separated by a space and then press the
      Return key.
      [default: 1]>>>
    2. Choose the appropriate platform or platforms.

      An Installation Summary window appears that looks similar to the following window.

      ==== Installation Summary ====
      Product(s):				AdminSuite/AutoClient
      Install Directory:	/export/opt
      Architecture(s)	sparc    i386
      Mount method	Edit client vfstab or User configured automounter
      Host(s):	your_host_name
      Start Installation
      Do you want to start the installation?
      			1. Start installation
      			2. Cancel installation
    3. After confirming the information provided in the Installation Summary window, type 1 and press Return to continue with the installation.

      You will see a scrolling list of the log activities. If the installation is successful, the following message will display in your installation window: Successfully installed product: AdminSuite/AutoClient

      Option 3: Specify location

      This option enables you to specify the location of the AutoClient software. If you chose this option, you must enter the path where you wish to have the AutoClient software installed.

      Note -

      If you install additional software, you must use the location that you specified in this step.

  1. Enter the full pathname to the directory where you wish to install AutoClient and then Press Return.

    The following window appears.

    How will clients mount this software?
    	1. Systems will use the automounter
           Choose this option if you will be configuring the automounter
           for clients to access the software.
    	2. Systems will mount via /etc/vfstab file
    	   Choose this option if you will be setting up clients to use
          the /etc/vfstab to mount the software. A symlink will be made
          on the file server in /opt to point to the 
    		installation directory.
    	3. Installation Help
    Type 1, 2 or 3 and press the Return key.
    [default: 1]>>>
  2. Choose the desired mount method.

    Note -

    If you choose option 1: Systems will use the automounter, this option enables clients to access the AutoClient software using the automounter mount method. If you choose this method, you will need to add entries indicating the location of the Solstice AutoClient software to the automounter maps. Refer to Chapter 5, Adding Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Support to the Automounter, for information about how to configure your automounter maps. A note appears reminding you that you will have to add entries to your automounter map indicating where AdminSuite is installed. Press the Return key to continue.

    The following AutoClient Supported Platforms window appears.

    AdminSuite Supported Platforms
    	1. sparc
           				Choose this option if you intend to manage systems based
               on the SPARC platform.
    	2. i386
           				Choose this option if you intend to manage systems based
               on the Intel x86 or Pentium platform.
    Enter one or more choices separated by a space and then press the
    Return key.
    [default: 1]>>>
  3. Choose the appropriate platform or platforms.

    An Installation Summary window appears that looks similar to the following window.

    ==== Installation Summary ====
    Product(s):				AdminSuite/AutoClient
    Install Directory:	/export
    Architecture(s)	sparc    i386
    Mount method	Edit client vfstab or User configured automounter
    Host(s):	your_host_name
    Start Installation
    Do you want to start the installation?
    			1. Start installation
    			2. Cancel installation
  4. Verify the information provided in the Installation Summary window; type 1 and press Return to continue with the installation.

    You will see a scrolling list of the log activities. If the installation is successful, the following message will display in your installation window: Successfully installed product: AdminSuite/AutoClient

  5. Update your shell search path to include the location of the Solstice AutoClient commands.

    If you use the C shell, type:

    % set path = ( $path /opt/SUNWadm/bin )
    % set MANPATH = ( $MANPATH /opt/SUNWadm/man )

    To permanently affect these changes to your shell search path, edit your .cshrc or .login startup file.

    If you use the Bourne or Korn shell, type:

    $ PATH = $PATH:/opt/SUNWadm/bin
    $ MANPATH = $MANPATH:/opt/SUNWadm/man

    To permanently affect these changes to your shell search path, edit your .profile startup file.

  6. Start the Solstice Launcher (which now contains the Solstice AutoClient application).

    $ /usr/bin/solstice &