Solstice AutoClient 2.1 Installation and Release Notes

How to Add Users to the sysadmin Group Using NIS+

  1. Log in to a system in your NIS+ domain as an authorized user with read and write access rights to the group table.

  2. Save the group table to a temporary file.

    $ niscat group.org_dir > /var/tmp/group-file
  3. Edit the file, adding the users you want to authorize to install the Solstice AutoClient 2.1 software.

    The following sample shows users added to the sysadmin entry in the group file.


    In this example,


    Represent the users you are adding to the sysadmin group. 

  4. Merge the file with the NIS+ group table.

    $ /usr/lib/nis/nisaddent -mv -f /var/tmp/group-file group

    The results of the merge are displayed.

  5. Remove the temporary file.

    $ rm /var/tmp/group-file

Verification of Adding Users to the sysadmin Group Using NIS+

Verify that the user is a member of the sysadmin group by entering the following commands. Perform this step for each user you added to the file.

# su - user1
$ groups
staff sysadmin
$ exit