Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Enabling Network Address Translation Support

If your network uses Network Address Translation (NAT), you must enable NAT support after you have installed and set up Sun Management Center 3.5. You cannot start Sun Management Center until you have enabled NAT support for each server, agent, and console machine in your network as described in the following procedure. See Appendix D, Network Address Translation for more information about NAT.

The following procedure assumes you installed Sun Management Center in the default directory /opt. If you did not install Sun Management Center in /opt, replace /opt with the name of the directory you specified in Step 8 in To Install Sun Management Center 3.5 on the Solaris Platform.

To Enable NAT Support
  1. Log in as root on the machine for which you want to enable Network Address Translation support.

  2. Type /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-config -n.

    es-config stops all Sun Management Center processes. The port numbers currently assigned to the Sun Management Center components are then displayed.

    You are asked to provide the host name for the machine. The machine name is displayed.

  3. Provide the machine host name.

    • If you are configuring the Sun Management Center server machine for NAT, press Return.

    • If you are configuring a Sun Management Center agent or console machine, type the name of the Sun Management Center server, and then press Return.

    Note –

    Depending on the Sun Management Center 3.5 components installed on the machine, one or more informational messages could be displayed.

    You are informed that Network Address Translation support is enabled for the machine. You are then asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center components.

  4. Determine whether to start Sun Management Center 3.5.

    Caution – Caution –

    Do not start Sun Management Center until you have enabled NAT support for each machine in your network that uses Network Address Translation. The Sun Management Center agent will not run unless NAT support has been enabled for each machine.

    Type y to start the Sun Management Center components, or type n if you do not want to start the components.