Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

NAT Solution

The Sun Management Center NAT solution is focused on self-consistency to avoid complex or error-prone translation mechanisms. This solution addresses the fundamental assumption regarding the use of IP addresses in the software.

Sun Management Center 3.5 uses logical identifiers, rather than IP addresses, to uniquely identify and access the nodes managed by the software in NAT environments. The identifiers can be the fully qualified host name of a managed node. This method enables Sun Management Center 3.5 to leverage the existing host name-to-IP address mapping infrastructure in IP-based systems.

In environments where the use of fully qualified host names are not appropriate or feasible, any logical name that is unique and resolvable from the agent and server layer addressing realm can be used. In non-NAT environments, the logical identifiers can default to IP addresses for backward compatibility.

This solution requires that the logical identifier must be unique within a server context. The logical identifiers must be resolvable to valid IP addresses that can be used to access the managed node across a NAT environment. You should be able to use the logical identifiers to intuitively identify managed nodes.

When using the Sun Management Center 3.5 NAT solution, note the following information: