Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 System Administration Guide

User-Related Problems

User Cannot Log In

None of the Solaris Resource Manager limitations listed above apply to the superuser.

Note -

Although the user is able to log in to the system, if there is no lnode corresponding to the UID of the user (an lnode has not been set up for that user's account), the problem is identified by a message indicating that: No limits information is available. Refer to Orphaned Lnodes.

User Not Informed of Reaching Limits

During normal operation of Solaris Resource Manager, a logged-in user receives notification messages whenever a limit is reached. Sometimes users miss seeing these communications and are unaware of the cause of any problems they are having, and the system will appear to behave mysteriously. However, the system administrator will have been notified.

The delivery of notification messages is carried out by the Solaris Resource Manager daemon program, limdaemon. There are a number of possibilities that the administrator can investigate if notification messages are not being delivered to users:

Unable to Change User's Group

The sgroup attribute determines the lnode's parent in the scheduling tree. This hierarchy is used to regulate resource usage and to schedule the CPU. For this reason several security precautions are placed on modifying the sgroup attribute, both to avoid inadvertent errors when changing it and to prevent circumvention of Solaris Resource Manager.

To modify the sgroup attribute, a user needs one of the following privileges:

Orphaned lnodes cannot be made parents of other lnodes. See Orphaned Lnodes.

Users Frequently Exceeding Limits

Check whether any of these conditions are causing the problem: