Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 System Administration Guide

Key Solaris Resource Manager Features

The following table identifies and briefly describes key system resource control features discussed in this manual.

System ResourceSolaris Resource Manager ParameterDescription
 CPU sharescpu.shares The amount of CPU time allocated to an lnode, specified in the limits database file as a number of shares. Solaris Resource Manager allocates all available system resources; that is, an lnode can receive more than its allocation when the resources are available.
 CPU accrualcpu.accrue The accrued CPU usages for all lnodes within the group as well as that of the current lnode.
 Memory limitmemory.limit The maximum virtual memory usage allowed for all processes attached to an lnode. This limit is a fixed value specified in the limits database file. A value of zero indicates that no limit is set.
 Process memory limitmemory.plimit The maximum per-process virtual memory limit. This is a fixed value specified in the limits database file. A value of zero indicates that no limit is set.
 Physical memory limitrss.limit (Solaris 8 only) The physical memory cap, in specified units, that is applied to collections of processes attached to an lnode. The cap must be a positive number.
 Memory accrualmemory.accrue The overall memory resources used over a period of time. Value is measured in byte-seconds.
 Number of processesprocess.limit Limits the number of processes that a user can run simultaneously, according to fixed limits specified in the limits database file.
 Number of logins per userflag.onelogin flag.nologinProhibits login or limits the number of simultaneous login sessions per user and/or scheduling group in accordance with fixed limits specified in the limits database file. Solaris Resource Manager tracks login count using PAM authentication records and utmp(4) entries. The counter is incremented and decremented dynamically.
 Connect-timeterminal.limit terminal.usage terminal.accrue Solaris Resource Manager dynamically tracks a user's connect-time and compares it to the fixed limit specified in the limits database file by the system administrator or group header. As a user approaches the connect-time limit, Solaris Resource Manager sends warning messages to the user's terminal. When the limit is reached, the user is notified and then logged out forcibly after a short grace period.