Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 System Administration Guide

Determining the Working Set Size of a Project

The following example is a continuation of the previous example, and it uses the same project.

example% rcapstat 5 5
    id project    nproc    vm   rss   cap    at avgat    pg avgpg
376565 user1         56  207M   44M   10M  381M  191M   15M 7924K
376565 user1         56  207M   46M   10M  479M  160M 2696K  898K
376565 user1         56  207M   46M   10M  424M  141M 7280K 2426K
376565 user1         56  207M   43M   10M  401M  201M 4808K 2404K
376565 user1         56  207M   43M   10M  456M  152M 4800K 1600K
376565 user1         56  207M   44M   10M  486M  162M 4064K 1354K
376565 user1         56  207M   52M  100M  191M   95M 1944K  972K
376565 user1         56  207M   55M  100M    0K    0K    0K    0K
376565 user1         56  207M   56M  100M    0K    0K    0K    0K
376565 user1         56  207M   56M  100M    0K    0K    0K    0K
376565 user1         56  207M   56M  100M    0K    0K    0K    0K
376565 user1         56  207M   56M  100M    0K    0K    0K    0K

By inhibiting cap enforcement, either by raising the cap of a project or by changing the minimum cap enforcement memory pressure value (see rcapadm(1MSRM)), the resident set can become the working set. The rss column might stabilize to show the project working set size, as shown in this example. This is the minimum cap value that will allow the project's processes to operate without perpetually incurring page faults.