Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide


The recover program searches (browses) the client file index for a specified client and recovers files from backup volumes to the specified client. The client file index entries are created when the files are backed up with the save command. When you use the interactive version of the recover program, nwrecover, the client file index is presented in a graphical display format that is similar to a UNIX filesystem.

In the automatic mode (-a option) or save set recover mode (-S option), the files specified on the command line are recovered immediately without browsing the client file index. Use of the save set recover mode (-S option) is restricted to users in the operator group. If you run the recover program without the -S option, and users in the operator group can recover any file.

You can specify one or more path arguments to limit the directories and files to just those you want to recover. If you specify the path argument, the beginning of each path name as it exists in the save set must exactly match one of the paths before it can be recovered. Filename matching using meta characters (for example, *, ?, or [...]) is not allowed. You can use a path that ends with a slash character to force a match to a specific directory.

The following example describes the format and options available for the recover program:

recover [-f] [-n] [-q] [-i {nNyYrR}]

[-d destination] [-c client] [-t date]

[-s server] [dir]
recover [-f] [-n] [-q] [-i {nNyYrR}]

[-d destination] [-c client] [-t date]

[-s server] -a path
recover [-f] [-n] [-q] [-i {nNyYrR}]

[-d destination] [-t date] -s server

-S ssid[/cloneid] [-S ssid[/cloneid]] [path]