Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide

Adding More Autochanger Devices

To add more devices to an autochanger, first define the new devices in the Devices resource so the Backup server or storage node recognizes the added devices. Then, enter the pathnames for the autochanger devices in the Jukeboxes resource so that Backup recognizes that the new devices belong to the autochanger.

Caution - Caution -

After you add a device pathname to the Devices resource, you must also add it to the Devices field in the Jukeboxes resource. Backup associates the device in the autochanger with the autochanger name. Refer to the Backup online help for a description of the Devices resource and how to use it.

If an autochanger has more than one device, you must list the device pathnames in the same order as their physical location in the autochanger. If you are unsure of their order, refer to the autochanger hardware manual or become root on the Backup server or storage node machine and enter the inquire command at the shell prompt. The /etc/LGTOuscsi/inquire command returns a list of the SCSI devices attached to your system.