Solstice Backup 5.1 Administration Guide

File Migration

File migration is a "sweeping" operation determined by the criteria you define. Backup generates lists of files that are candidates for migration according to the assigned criteria. Access time is the most frequently used parameter to determine these candidates. You can enable or disable migration services for each migration client. Certain files are always excluded from migration. These files include system files, shared libraries, and all executables and data files used by Backup.

File migration can be either automatic or manual, depending on the requirements of your system. All you have to do is define your criteria and assign the appropriate criteria to each migration client. Backup automatically migrates each client's files that meet those criteria. Backup automatically recalls a migrated file when a user or application accesses it.

When a file is migrated, the original file on the client computer is replaced with a stub file that points to the location of the migrated file on storage media. The stub file is a UNIX symbolic link and contains information about the file that serves two purposes:

After a file migrates and is replaced with a stub file, the user can perform the same actions on the stub file as on any other file in the filesystem. The stub file can be moved, renamed, or have any other action applied to it that does not require read or write access.

Migration Policies

You can set the values in the Migration resource that HSM uses to determine what the client filesystem capacity should be for migration to start and stop. From the nwadmin GUI, select Migration Setup from the Clients menu. For each migration client, you determine the following:

When the client filesystem reaches the specified high water mark, the Backup HSM application automatically migrates the files that meet the defined criteria.

In addition to the high and low water marks, you must set one or more criteria that files must meet to become candidates for migration. If you set more that one criteria, files must meet all the specified criteria to become candidates for migration. For example, you can set a policy that specifies when the client filesystem exceeds 70% full, files in the /home directory that have not been accessed in over 60 days and are at least 2 KB or larger in size are automatically migrated. You can set the following migration criteria:

How Files Are Migrated

After you have specified migration policies for your migration client in the Migration resource, Backup migrates files in the following way:

  1. When the Backup server conducts a regularly scheduled backup, it checks each client in the backup group for files that are candidates for migration. During a scheduled backup, the premigration command, nsrpmig, searches the migration client filesystem for files that meet the migration criteria.

    Premigration is a resource-intensive activity. The group containing migration clients should start its scheduled backup at a time of low system use.

  2. Files that meet the migration criteria are premigrated. During premigration, the file is copied to a Backup storage location (a migration volume), but the original file remains on the client machine.

  3. When the client filesystem reaches the high water mark, the nsrexecd daemon starts the migration command, nsrmig, and migration occurs automatically. The nsrmig command checks the premigrated files to ensure that they still meet the migration criteria. If the premigrated files are still candidates for migration, the nsrmig command does the following:

    • Renames the original file on the client filesystem with a temporary name.

    • Creates a stub file on the client filesystem to point to the migrated file on the migration media.

    • Deletes the original file from the client filesystem.

  4. Migration continues until the low water mark is reached. If not enough files meet the migration criteria, the migration process might not meet the low water mark.

  5. A migration report is emailed to the administrator.

    Backup makes entries for migrated files in the client index. These entries, however, are not visible to a user through the recovery GUI. Backup uses these entries to track the link between the migrated file and the stub file in the client filesystem as well as for recall purposes. Because a migrated file must be available for a user to recall, the index entries for migrated data are exempt from the automatic data recycling policies set for a Backup client. See "How HSM Handles Renamed or Deleted Files" for details on how Backup handles files that have been deleted from the client filesystem.

Files That Are Not Migrated

Certain files are always excluded from migration. These files include system files, shared libraries, and all executables and data files used by Backup. The following files are excluded from migration:

Additionally, you can choose certain files or groups of files to exclude from migration. For example, you can exclude files owned by root from automatic migration.