N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Set Up Keys for Empty Password Files When Using Multiple Key Pairs

Before You Begin

Complete this task for every SSH connection, therefore every key pair, that is made on the network.

  1. From the machine that is upstream, copy the public key to each machine that is downstream. Save the key in the User-home/.ssh/authorized_keys2 file.

    % cp /User-home-upstream/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /User-home-downstream/.ssh/authorized_keys2

    User-home-upstream is the home directory on the machine that is upstream and Use-home-downstream is the home directory on the Local Distributor or the Remote Agent machine to which the upstream machine will connect.

  2. Ensure that the .ssh/ directory and any parent directories are not world writable.

  3. Ensure that the private key file, .ssh/id_rsa, is not accessible by other users or groups.

  4. Change the permissions for the .ssh/authorized_keys2 file to 600.