N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 Installation Guide

Appendix B Troubleshooting

This appendix provides troubleshooting information for installation and configuration of the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1.

Issues During Installation on Solaris OS, Red Hat Linux, and IBM AIX

Warning When Installing the JRE on IBM AIX

If the installation script detects any JRE instances already installed in the common directory on an AIX machine, the following warning appears:

WARNING: Overwriting the JRE can result in installation 
problems when libraries from this JRE are cached by the 
OS. If you have used, or are running another CenterRun 
module that uses this JRE, you should stop that other 
module, and run /usr/sbin/slibclean as root.

     Do you wish to continue installation? 
(default: y) [y,n] 

When a JRE is installed on an AIX machine, AIX caches native libraries from the JRE in memory. When these libraries are cached, they are locked on disk. Trying to install a new JRE over these locked libraries will create errors.

Do not install a new version of the JRE. When prompted to install the JRE, choose no, and then provide a path to the JRE that is already installed on the machine.

Cannot Eject N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 CD After Installation on a Solaris OS System

If you install the Master Server or Remote agent on a Solaris OS system from the software CD, and answer yes when prompted to start the application, you cannot eject the software CD. The following error displays:

Device busy

To eject the CD, stop the application.

ProcedureHow to Stop an Application on a Solaris OS System

  1. Change to the directory where the script to start the application is located.

    % cd N1SPS4.1-home/app/bin

    N1sps4.1–home is the home directory of the application and app is the application. For app, use server for the Master Server and agent for the Remote Agent.

  2. Invoke the application script with the stop option.

    % cr_app stop

    app is the application to stop.

  3. Eject the CD by typing:

    % eject cdrom

Runtime Issue

Master Server and Database Services Stop

After starting the Master Server process using the cr_server start command in a bourne shell, if a ^C command is issued to any subsequent command in the same shell that started the Master Server, the database and Master Server processes stop.

In the N1SPS4.1-home/server/bin/roxdb.out file the following messages appear as the most recent entries.

DEBUG:  fast shutdown request
DEBUG:  aborting any active transactions

Do not use the bourne shell to start the Master Server or other N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 applications.

SSH Connectivity

Master Server Unable to Connect to Local Distributor Through an Intermediate Local Distributor

If the Master Server is unable to connect to a another machine and displays a TTL expiry error after you use the Host Details page to update the configuration of that machine or any machine upstream, you may need to manually generate the transport.config file for some or all of the intermediate Local Distributors between that machine and the Master Server. Test the connection to each of the upstream Local Distributors of the problem machine by moving from the problem machine to the Master Server. For the Local Distributor to which you can successfully connect that is closest to the problem machine, regenerate the transport.config file and all of its downstream Local Distributors. Use the CLI Client net.gencfg command to generate transport.config files.

Unable to Connect to an Application Using SSH

If you are experiencing problems connecting to a machine after configuring the N1 Service Provisioning System 4.1 to use SSH, follow the steps below to troubleshoot the problem.

ProcedureHow to Troubleshoot SSH Connectivity Issues

Before You Begin

If you are using ssh-agent, complete this task from the same session as the one you used to start the ssh-agent.

  1. On the upstream machine, test the connection to the downstream machine.

    • To test the machine immediately downstream from the upstream machine, use the following command.

      % ssh target-IPaddress ls -l

      target-IPaddress is the IP address of the machine that is the furthest most downstream that you want to test.

    • If you are using ssh-agent, to test a machine that is more than one other machine downstream from the machine on which you are running the ssh-agent, use the following command.

      % ssh -A target-IPadress-parentmachine 
      ssh -A target-IPadress-parentmachine ssh -A target-IPaddress ls -l

      % ssh -A ssh -A target-machine-n-IPaddress ssh -A target-machine-2-IPaddress
      ssh -A target-machine-1-IPaddress ssh -A target-IPaddress ls -l

    target-machine-n-IPaddress are the IP addresses of the upstream Local Distributor machines of the machine being tested in the specified in order. For example, 1 is the machine closest to the machine being tested and n is the machine right before the Master Server. target-IPaddress is the IP address of the machine that is the furthest most downstream that you want to test.

    target-IPadress-parentmachine is the IP address of any machine that is between the upstream machine and the downstream machine for which you are testing connectivity.

    If you are prompted for information, supply the information. Try the test again.

    If you are not prompted for information, continue to the next step.

  2. On the upstream machine, in the logger_config.xml file, before the <root> section, insert the following lines to enable logging with priority="debug".

    <category name="SSH.STDERR">
    <priority value="debug" />
    <category name="com.raplix.rolloutexpress.net.transport.SshClientConnectionHandler">
    <priority value="debug" />

    Wait for the upstream machine to read the log file updates.

  3. Test the connection again, using the command you used in Step 1.

    Examine the log output on the command line and in the SSH.STDERR log. Correct any problems found in the log files and try the test again.

    Examine the application log output on the upstream machine for the SSH command line you used to invoke the downstream application and the stderr output of the SSH command. Correct any problems identified by the logged messages and try the test again.

    If you do not find any problems in the log files, the upstream machine might be connecting properly to the downstream machine, but the application is not starting properly. Continue to the next step.

  4. Examine the ROX log file for errors starting the application on the downstream machine.

    • On Red Hat Linux and IBM AIX machines, examine the /tmp/ROXappnumbers.log file.

    • On Solaris OS machines, examine the /var/tmp/ROXappnumbers.log file.

    app is the application on the downstream machine that you are testing. Use Agent for a Remote Agent, Dist for a Local Distributor, and Proxy for a CLI Client. numbers are randomly generated numbers that are included in the file name.

  5. Correct any errors found in the log file.