N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Installation Guide

Directory Structure of the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 on Solaris OS, Red Hat Linux, and IBM AIX

When installing the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0, you are prompted to select a home directory for the software. The default directory on Solaris OS and AIX servers is /opt/SUNWn1sps. The default directory on Red Hat Linux servers is /opt/sun. The installation program creates the following directory tree within the home directory:

The installation scripts install the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 software into default destination directories that are subdirectories of the home directory for the software. All directories are created with the permissions set to 755, rwxr-xr-x, except when noted in the tables below. Most files are assigned with the permissions set to 644, rw-r--r, except for executable files and scripts, which are set to 755.

The following table lists the directories that are installed for every N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 application, the Master Server, Local Distributor, Remote Agent, and CLI Client.

Table A–1 Directories Common to All Applications




Common files for all applications 


Bundled copy of platform-specific JRE 


Library files common for some or all applications 

The following table lists the directories installed for the Master Server.

Table A–2 Directories Installed for the Master Server




Master Server configuration files 


User interface customization files 


Master Server data files 


Master Server executable files  


Master Server-specific library files 


Bundled copy of Postgres 


Bundled copy of Apache Tomcat 


Browser Interface Web Application 


Miscellaneous files used to initialize the Master Server 


Command line user interface SSH proxy properties file 


Master Server temporary directory with permissions set to 777 


Text license agreement 

The following table lists the directories installed for the Local Distributor.

Table A–3 Directories Installed for the Local Distributor




Local Distributor configuration files  


Local Distributor executable files  


Local Distributor library files 


Local Distributor specific data 


Local Distributor temporary directory with permissions set to 777 


Local Distributor JRE proxy 


Text license agreement 

The following table lists the directories installed for the Remote Agent.

Table A–4 Directories Installed for the Remote Agent




Remote Agent configuration files  


Remote Agent executable files  


Jexec directory with permissions set to 100, --x------


Jexec is used when the agent needs root permissions with permissions set to 4110 


Remote Agent library files 


Remote Agent specific data 


Default directory for execution of execNatives. 


Remote Agent temporary directory with permissions set to 777 


Remote Agent JRE proxy 


Text license agreement 

The following table lists the directories installed for the CLI Client.

Table A–5 Directories Installed for the CLI Client




CLI configuration files  


CLI executable files  


CLI library files 


CLI specific data 


CLI temporary directory with permissions set to 777 


Text license agreement