N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureHow to Configure SSH for Local Distributors and Remote Agents

The SSH configuration has must be completed by following the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 network from the Master Server to the Remote Agents and configuring the intermediate Local Distributors in the order in which you encounter them. Essentially, this is a preorder traversal of the tree network.

For example, you might have a network setup with the following Master Server (MS), Local Distributors (LD1, LD2, and LD3), and Remote Agents (RA1, RA2, RA3, and RA4).

 | \
 |  \
 |   \
 LD1  LD2
 | \     \
 |  \     LD3
 |   \    |\
 |   |    | \ 
 |   |    |  \ 
 |   |    |   \
 RA1 RA2  RA3  RA4

Configure your network in the following order: LD1, RA1, RA2, LD2, LD3, RA3, RA4. Follow this order strictly and complete the configuration of one machine before moving on to the next machine.

  1. Use the Master Server browser interface to view the Host Details page for the machine you want to configure.

  2. Add the connection details in the Local Distributor or the Remote Agent section depending on what application you are configuring on that machine.

  3. Specify the connection type as ssh.

  4. Add the following text in the Advanced Parameters field.


    N1SPS5.0–Home is the home directory of the application. application is agent if you are configuring a Remote Agent or ld if you are configuring a Local Distributor.

    For example, if the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 is installed in /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Grid_Service_Provisioning_System_5.0/ and you are configuring a Remote Agent, the text you add to the Advanced Parameters field is:

  5. Save the Host Details.

  6. Ensure that you do not have a Remote Agent or Local Distributor instance running on this machine.

  7. Click Test Connection on the Host Details page for this application instance.

  8. Repeat this task for each machine in your network.