N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Installation Guide

Sample Remote Agent Parameters File for Solaris OS, Red Hat Linux, and IBM AIX Systems

A sample parameters file is installed on the Master Server in the /server/bin directory, along with other scripts, when you install the Master Server. You can use this file to indicate configuration selections so that you can non-interactively install the Remote Agent. The contents of the sample parameters file are shown below.

# This is a sample file that sets the parameters required 
# for the remote installation of Remote Agents.
# This file must be uncommented and edited with the correct
# values before it can be used.
# $Id: cr_ra_remote_params.sh,v 1.2 2004/09/15 18:39:01 echiquet Exp $

# CR_RA_INSTALLBASE - the base directory where the
# Remote Agent will be installed.  If the directory
# does not exist, the installer will attempt to create it.  
# Defaults to /opt/SUNWn1sps

# CR_RA_OWNER - The owner of the distribution. A pre-existing
# user must be specified.  Defaults to 'n1sps'.

# CR_RA_GROUP - The group owner of the distribution.  A 
# pre-existing group name must be specified.   Defaults to 'n1sps'.

# CR_RA_PORT - Port number that the Remote Agent will listen on. 
# An integer value between 1024 and 65535 must be specified.  Defaults
# to 1131.

# CR_RA_CTYPE - Parent connection type.  How the parent connects to
# this RA.  One of 'raw' (unencrypted), 'ssh', or 'ssl'.  There is no default.
# This parameter is required.

# CR_RA_CIPHER_TYPE - SSL cipher suite type.  One of '1' (encryption,
# no authentication) or '2' (encryption, with authentication).
# Default is 1, but has no effect for parent connection type of raw or
# ssh.

# CR_RA_INSTALL_JRE - Directive of whether or not a JRE should be
# installed with the Remote Agent for it's use.  Defaults to 'y'.  Valid
# values are 'y' or 'n'.

# JRE_HOME - Directive for the location of the JRE installation.  If
# the CR_RA_INSTALL_JRE directive is set to 'y', the installer will
# install the JRE.  In this case, the JRE_HOME value will be 
# $CR_RA_INSTALLBASE/common/jre.  If the installer is not going to 
# install the JRE, the JRE_HOME should point to where the pre-existing JRE
# is installed.

# CR_RA_SUID - Directive of whether or not the RA should be installed
# with the setuid root privileges.  Valid values are 'y' or 'n'.  This 
# only works when the remote installer is run as the root user.
# There is no default. This parameter is required.

# CR_RA_INSTALLER_USER - The user that should perform this install.  This
# is what the remote installer will use to ssh into the remote hosts
# and run the commands as.  It is highly recommended that this be set to
# root, although, it doesn't have to be.  Defaults to the current user.

# CR_RA_INSTALLER_WORKDIR - The directory to use to store temporary files.
# The distribution will be copied into this directory so make sure
# that this it has enough space to store the distribution file.  Defaults to
# /tmp

# CR_RA_INSTALLER_LEAVEFILES - Directive of whether or not the temporary
# files should be preserved on the remote host.  Defaults to 'n'. 

# CR_RA_INSTALLER_HOSTS - List of remote hosts on which the Remote Agent is
# to be installed.  This must contain at least one host name.  This host list
# can also be set in the  environment  variable 'CR_RA_INSTALLER_HOSTS', or 
# specified on the command line.  Check the remote agent installer script
# usage message for exactly how this can be done.
# Note : The format of the list of hosts is critical.  The list of hosts
# must be separated by a comma (',') and cannot have any spaces in between.  
# It must be in one contiguous string.



If you want to install an N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Remote Agent on a version of an operating system that is numerically higher than the highest version the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 supports for that operating system, add the following parameter to the parameters file:


If you use the CR_RA_ALLOWFORWARDVERSION=y parameter, the installation program does not verify that the operating system on which you are installing the Remote Agent is supported. There is no standard Sun Services support for use of the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 on unsupported operating systems.

Caution – Caution –

Installing the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 on unsupported operating systems might result in undefined and unexpected behavior. Install the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 on unsupported operating systems only for testing purposes. Do not use the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 on unsupported operating systems in a production environment.