N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Operation and Provisioning Guide

Appendix A Error Messages

This appendix describes common error messages in the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System software.

Error Message and Descriptions

This component has not been installed on any hosts yet


This error occurs when you attempt to uninstall a component that the Master Server does not recognize as having been installed on the host. The Master Server maintains the installation state of each component in the system. An uninstall of a component cannot be performed if the Master Server database does not contain a record that the component was installed on the host. Similarly, you cannot invoke a control on a component until the Master Server database contains a record that the component was installed on the host.


To correct the problem, follow the steps below:

  1. Verify that the component has been installed on the host.

  2. If the component has already been installed on the host, use an empty install block to perform a markOnly installation of a component to update the Master Server database. The syntax is as follows:

    <installSteps name="markOnly" />

017007 Plan timed out on hosts


The plan time-out parameter is set for a shorter amount of time than is necessary to run a plan.


For example, a step in a plan has been set to pause for 100 seconds. But, the plan time-out parameter was set to 60 seconds. The plan run times out before the pause has completed.


Verify that the plan time-out parameter is set to a value that allows the running plan to complete. The default plan time out is 30 minutes. Be sure to change the plan time-out parameter for plans that you expect to run for longer than 30 minutes.

017031 Unable to generate configuration file filename for host hostname


The configuration template contains a variable that is not declared in the <varList> of the component.


For example, you attempt to deploy the /ant/config.properties configuration template. However, the configuration template contains a :[port] variable that is not declared within the <varList> of the /ant/config.properties component. The following errors display:

  • :[port] variable is undefined (040201)

  • Configuration file /ant/config.properties cannot be generated (017031)

  • Plan fails because configuration file cannot be generated (017034)


To prevent this error, verify that the variables that are used within configuration templates are also declared within the <varList> of the component. When checking in a configuration template, the provisioning system automatically scans the file for provisioning system variables and adds them to the <varList> of the component.

017074 java.io.IOException: Not enough space


The Remote Agent does not have enough physical memory to start the Remote Agent process. The message suggests a disk space problem, but the error occurs because of a physical memory problem.


When running a plan that includes a single <execNative> step within the plan, the follow error trace appears in the Master Server log file, server/bin/cr_server.out:

:NestedTrace: java.io.IOException: Not enough space
   at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
   at java.lang.UNIXProcess.(UNIXProcess.java:54)
   at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:546)

The following error message is displayed within the browser interface:

Problems encountered during plan run or preflight

The plan (or preflight)
"/system/autogen/ldap_cmd-inst-default-1087486030740" finished with 1
failed host(s). (017034)

Error executing the exec native command "/usr/bin/pfksh". (017074)
Not enough space
plan : /system/autogen/ldap_cmd-inst-default-1087486030740
version : 1.11 version history | run history

To correct the physical memory problem, reduce the minimum JVMTM [The terms “Java Virtual Machine“ and “JVM” mean a Virtual Machine for the JavaTM platform.] heap size in the cr_agent script. Follow these steps:

  1. On the server running the Remote Agent, access the directory that contains the Remote Agent scripts.

    # cd /N1SPS50-home/agent/bin

    N1SPS50-home is the directory in which you installed the Remote Agent.

  2. Modify the JVM heap size property.

    CR_JVM_MEMORY=-Xms32m -Xmx256m

    -Xms 32m is the minimum heap size setting.

  3. Reboot the server.

030005 Expecting "0" subplan component builds in component build array "0".


This error occurs when running a plan from the CLI. If you include the -comp + and the -vs + options when you run a plan with the cr_cli command, but the plan does not install any components, this error displays.


For example, the following cr_cli plan run command was executed at the prompt:

% cr_cli -cmd pe.p.run -u bmclean -p password  \ 
-PID NM:/app/Weblogic/RollingWeblogicRestart \
-tar H:NM:dev-prf30 -pto 600s -nto 600s -comp + -vs +

The following error displayed:

Expecting "0" subplan component builds in component build array "0". (030005)

The same plan, with the same target host, was executed successfully from the provisioning system browser interface. The XML contents of the plan are as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- generated by N1 SPS -->
<executionPlan xmlns="http://www.sun.com/schema/SPS" 
name="RollingWeblogicRestart" version="4.1" 
description="Restart Weblogic instances on target hosts in series" 
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" path="/app/Weblogic" 
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.sun.com/schema/SPS plan.xsd">

<simpleSteps executionMode="SERIES">
 <call blockName="restartAppServer">
  <installedComponent name="WeblogicUtil" path="/app/Weblogic"/>

The plan does not install any components. The plan only invokes a control, or call block, on a previously installed component. Consequently, you do not need to specify components or variable sets.


To prevent this problem, do not specify the -comp + and the -vs + options on the command line when running a plan that does not install components.

040201 Substitution variable :target:port is undefined


The error occurs when the host attributes of a target host do not resolve the target variables in the component.


For example, you attempt to deploy the /ant/config.properties configuration template. The component has a varList with a variable that defaults to :[target:port]. The host to which we are deploying does not have a host attribute that resolves the port variable.


To prevent this error, verify that the host to which you are deploying has the correct set of host attributes to resolve the target variables in the component.