N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Plug-in Development Guide

Component Versions and Dependencies

Objects that are defined by a plug-in are loaded at installation time in the order in which they are defined in the plug-in descriptor file. These objects may only reference other objects that were defined either earlier in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which the defining plug-in directly depends. Any dependencies must be declared in the plug-in descriptor file. If a plug-in attempts to create a versioned object that matches a same typed and named object existing in the system, a new version of the object is created. The minor version of this object is incremented unless the plug-in definition explicitly defines the object as requiring a major version increment. If a plug-in attempts to create a non-versioned object that matches a same typed and named existing object, the plug-in object replaces the previous definition of the object. In both the versioned and unversioned cases, the existing object must have been created by a prior version of the same plug-in that is attempting to create the new version of the object.