N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 User's Guide for the Windows 2000 Plug-In

IIS Component Types

IIS component types share some common information and consist of several component types:

Common IIS Component Type Formats, Errors, and Functions

The IIS component types share a common implementation. All IIS component types enable you to export, install, and delete data stored in the IIS metabase. To enable the common behaviors, these component types share a set of functions, formats, and errors.

Common IIS Browsing

When you browse for an IIS component, the browser provides a list of web sites and virtual directories on the target system. These items appear in the order that they occur in the metabase. This corresponds to the order in which the items appear in the IIS Control panel. This list is not alphabetical.

You can select a single web site or virtual directory. Selecting a web site is considered recursive. Double-clicking a web site displays a list of the virtual directories in the web site.

Exported/Internal File Format

All IIS types use an XML format to store their section of the metabase. The present XML format does not support metabase properties of type NTACL (such as AdminACL). Any properties of this type that are encountered while reading from or writing to the metabase are ignored. Also, properties of type IPSec (such as IPSecurity) are written out as serialized objects. Those objects are not human-readable during either direct examination, or as difference results.


During a snapshot, the current state of the metabase is exported into an XML file. During an M-I difference, the metabase is re-exported and compared against the original XML file. The standard XML differentiator is used to generate differences between these files.

Error Conditions

Table 3–5 IIS Types Common Error Conditions





IIS Does not exist or is the improper version  

Install/Export fails 


Remote Agent does not have administrator privileges  

Install/Uninstall fails 

IIS Web Site or Virtual Directory Settings

Represents the settings for an IIS web site or virtual directory. Please note that this component type only contains the settings for a web site or virtual directory. The content on the web site must be checked in as a separate resource.

Installing an IIS Web Site or Virtual Directory

Installation occurs by reading the XML file and importing the file into the target system metabase. If a web site with the same name exists, the old web site is overwritten. If multiple web sites have the same name on the system, the first matching web site is removed and overwritten.

Special cases include untyped keys or nodes, and SSL certificates, which are not deployed. The relevant settings for SSL certificates in IIS (SSLCertHash and SSLStoreName) are preserved during a deployment if they exist on the target system. If relevant SSL settings do not exist, settings are not added.

To bring up a secure site after the site is deployed or redeployed, you must restart IIS.

Uninstalling an IIS Web Site or Virtual Directory

The entire web site is removed on the target system. All virtual directories in the web site are removed regardless of whether they were installed by the provisioning software. If the settings are just for a virtual directory, only that directory is removed, not its containing site. The matching for uninstall is done by name, so the first web site with the same name found on the system will be uninstalled. Once this process is complete, the XML file used during installation is removed.

IIS Global Filter Settings Component Type

This component type is used to represent global IIS filter settings. This component type only contains the settings for an IIS Global Filter. You must install separately the actual DLL that implements the filter.

Browsing for an IIS Global Filter

When you browse for an IIS global filter settings component, the browser provides a list of global filters on the target system. These filters appear in the order that they occur in the metabase. This corresponds to the order in which the items appear in the IIS Control panel. This list is not alphabetical.

You can select a single filter. Filters cannot be expanded.

Installing an IIS Global Filter

Installation occurs by reading the XML file and importing the file into the target system metabase. If a filter setting with the same name exists on the target machine, the existing filter setting is overwritten.

Uninstalling an IIS Global Filter

The filter settings are removed on the target system. Once the settings are removed, the XML file used during installation is removed.

IIS Web Site Filter Settings Component Type

This component type contains the settings for a web site filter. You must install separately the actual DLL file that implements the filter.

Browsing for Web Site Filter Settings

When you browse for an IIS web site filter settings component, the browser provides a list of web site filters on the target system. These filters appear in the order that they occur in the metabase. This corresponds to the order in which the items appear in the IIS Control panel. This list is not alphabetical.

To see a list of filters for a web site, you must expand the web site. You can select all web site filters or an individual filter to be checked in.

Installing Web Site Filter Settings

Installation occurs by reading the XML file and importing the file into the target system metabase. If a filter setting with the same name exists on the target machine, the existing filter setting is overwritten.

Uninstalling Web Site Filter Settings

The filter settings are removed on the target system. Once the settings are removed, the XML file used during installation is removed.

IIS Global Settings Component Type

This component type is used to represent global IIS settings.

Browsing for Global Settings

When you browse for an IIS global settings component, the browser provides a list of settings on the target system. These settings appear in the order that they occur in the metabase.

You can select a single setting to be checked in. Settings have no children and cannot be expanded.

Installing Global Settings

Installation occurs by reading the XML file and importing the file into the target system metabase. The setting on the target system is overwritten if the setting exists.

Uninstalling Global Settings

Global settings cannot be uninstalled. Uninstalls will have no affect on the target system except to remove the XML file used during install.

IIS Website (IIS Virtual Directory) Component Type

The IIS Website (IIS Virtual Directory) component type is a composite component type that includes four components:

IIS Website Filter Component Type

The IIS Website Filter component type is a composite type that includes two components: