N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 User's Guide for the Solaris Plug-In

Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the Solaris Plug-In

This chapter contains the following information:

Acquiring the Solaris Plug-In

The Solaris Plug-In is packaged as a plug-in to the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System software. Plug-ins are packaged in JavaTM Archive (JAR) files. The plug-in files for the Solaris Plug-In are available from the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 Supplement CD or from the Sun Download Center.

Adding the Solaris Plug-In to the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System

To make a given plug-in known to the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System product, you need to import the plug-in. To import a plug-in, follow these steps as explained in detail in Chapter 5, Plug-In Administration, in N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 System Administration Guide.

  1. In the Administrative section of the browser interface main window, click Plug-ins.

  2. In the Action column of the Plug-ins page, click Import.

  3. Browse to the location where you downloaded the com.sun.solaris_1.0.jar file.

  4. Click the Continue to Import button.

When the import completes successfully, a plug-in details page appears that shows you the objects that the plug-in provides.

You can also import a plug-in archive file from the command line. Use the following command:

% cr-cli -cmd plg.p.add -path com.sun.solaris_1.0.jar -u username -p password

Customizing the Solution for Your Environment

By default, the configuration file for the master server resides in the following directory: /opt/SUNWn1sps/N1_Grid_Service_Provisioning_System_5.0/server/config

Before you deploy Solaris zones from the master server, you need to add the following lines to the config.properties file:


The config.allowSessionIDOnHosts variable enables the plug-in to communicate with the master server through the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System remote agent/CLI interface.

By default, the timeout value for plans is set to 1800 seconds or 30 minutes. In some instances, such as when executing a plan on older hardware, the amount of time that is needed for a plan to complete exceeds 30 minutes. To increase the plan timeout value, add the pe.defaultPlanTimeout line to the config.properties file. In the example shown above, the value is set to 100 minutes.

Note –

After you modify the config.properties file, you must restart the master server.