N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 XML Schema Reference Guide

<allNestedRefs> Repository Component Targeter

The <allNestedRefs> element identifies the set of all nested component references that are declared or inherited by the current composite component. Only steps in a composite component can use this targeter.

This element can be used as a targeter for the <install> step.

This targeter can identify any number of components. If it identifies no components, the step is a no-op. If it identifies more than one component, the step is semantically expanded as if a separate occurrence of the step that uses the <nestedRef> targeter exists for each of the identified components. The steps are executed serially rather than in parallel. The ordering of the steps varies based on the step type. If the execution of the step on one of the components causes an error, the step is not executed on the remaining matching components.

When used as a targeter for an <install> step, this targeter matches all of the nested component references that are declared in this component. The component matches are in the order of declaration.