N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 XML Schema Reference Guide

<deployResource> Step

This step deploys the resource of the containing component and can only be used in an install block of a simple component. This step has no attributes or child elements.

A directory type resource where deployMode=ADD_TO has each of its contained files copied while preserving the directory structure. New directories are created, as needed. The existing directory structure and contents is unchanged, other than copying of resource contents. Individual file permissions and ownership are updated, as appropriate.

A directory type resource where deployMode=REPLACE is treated the same as deployMode=ADD_TO, except that any preexisting directory is recursively removed prior to deployment.

All other resources are copied, then have their permissions and ownership updated, as appropriate. Resources that are checked in as configurable undergo variable substitution prior to being copied. Configurable resources can reference any variable that is accessible to the component in which the resource was declared.