N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 XML Schema Reference Guide

<executionPlan> Element

An entire plan is enclosed by the <executionPlan> element.

Plans are either simple or composite. A simple plan is a sequential list of steps that are executed on a particular set of target servers. A simple plan does not contain or call other plans. A composite plan is composed solely of other subplans. A composite plan is not directly targeted because each simple subplan can run on a different set of targets.

The <executionPlan> element has the following child elements, which must appear in the order shown. These child elements might have their own child elements, attributes, or both.

Attributes for the <executionPlan> Element

The <executionPlan> element has the following attributes:

<paramList> Element

The <paramList> element is an optional child of the <executionPlan> element. This element is used to declare a list of parameters for use by the steps contained in the plan and any components that they reference. If specified, this element can only appear one time.

When this plan is run as a top-level plan, the caller is prompted to enter values for all parameters declared in this list. When this plan is invoked as the result of an <execSubplan> step in another plan, the calling plan must explicitly pass values for all parameters that are declared by <paramList> that do not have default values.

The <paramList> element has one required child element, <param>, which is a plan parameter declaration. The declaration includes a name, a prompt, and a default value. You can specify one <param> element for each parameter that you want to declare.

<param> Element

The <param> element is a child of the plan <paramList> element and is used to declare a parameter for use within the plan.

Attributes for the <param> Element

The <param> element has the following attributes:

<varList> Element

The <varList> element is an optional child of the <executionPlan> element and the <inlineSubplan> step. For information about the latter element, see <inlineSubplan> Step. The <varList> element is used to declare a list of variables for use by the steps contained in the plan and any components they reference. The values of the variables are defined at the point of declaration, and cannot be redefined. If specified, this element can only appear one time.

The <varList> element has one required child element, <var>, which is a plan variable declaration. A declaration includes a name and a value. Specify a <var> element for each variable that you want to declare.

<var> Element

The <var> element is a child of the plan <varList> element and is used to declare a plan variable including name and value.

Attributes for the <var> Element

This element has the following attributes:

<simpleSteps> Element

The <simpleSteps> element is an optional child of the <executionPlan> element and the <inlineSubplan> step. For information about the latter element, see <inlineSubplan> Step. The <simpleSteps> element contains one or more “shared” or “simple plan only” steps. The presence of a <simpleSteps> element indicates that the plan is a simple, not composite, plan. If specified, this element can only appear one time.

When run, the steps within this element are sequentially executed on a set of logical target hosts that are chosen by the caller. These hosts are called the initial target hosts. While this plan executes, its steps can be redirected to execute on a host other than the initial host. The host on which the plan actually executes is known as the current target host. If a step is not redirected, the current host and the initial host are the same. The initial host can be either virtual or physical, as can the current host. The physical host is the root parent host of the current host, which is the same as the current host if the current host is physical.

The <simpleSteps> element children consist of one or more “shared” or “simple plan only” steps. These steps can include references to plan parameters and variables. See Plan-Only Steps for Simple Plans.

Attributes for the <simpleSteps> Element

The <simpleSteps> element has the following attributes:

<compositeSteps> Element

The <compositeSteps> element is an optional child of the <executionPlan> element and the <inlineSubplan> step. For information about the latter element, see <inlineSubplan> Step. The <compositeSteps> element contains one or more “composite plan-only” steps. The presence of a <compositeSteps> element indicates that the plan is a composite plan. The <compositeSteps> element does not have any attributes. If specified, this element can only appear one time.

The <compositeSteps> element children consist of one or more “composite plan-only” steps. These steps can include references to plan parameters and variables. See Plan-Only Steps for Composite Plans.