N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 XML Schema Reference Guide

<section> Element

The <section> element is a child of the <customPage> element and defines a section for the custom page. The <section> element contains one or more <entry> elements and has two attributes:

<entry> Element

The <entry> element is a child of the <section> element and defines an entry point for user actions. An <entry> element contains zero or more <action> elements and has the following attributes:

<action> Element

The <action> element is a child of the <entry> element and defines a user action. Each <action> element must contain exactly one child element.

The <action> element has two attributes:

Each <action> element must contain one of the following child elements:


The <compCreate> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the component create page for the named component type.

The <compCreate> element has one required attribute:

  • typeName – Name of the component type. The component type must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. The component type cannot be defined as hidden. The pluginName must be prefixed to the component type name, for example, fullPluginName#componentTypeName.


The <compDetails> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the component details page for the latest version of the named component.

The <compDetails> element has two required attributes:

  • path – The absolute path of the component.

  • name – The name of the component. The component must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.


The <compList> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the component list page filtered by the named component type.

The <compList> element has one required attribute:

  • typeName – Name of the component type. The component type must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. The component type cannot be defined as hidden. The pluginName must be prefixed to the component type name, for example, fullPluginName#componentTypeName.


The <compWhereInstalled> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the Component Where Installed page for the latest version of the named component.

The <compWhereInstalled> element has two required attributes:

  • path – The absolute path of the component.

  • name – The name of the component. The component must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.


The <hostList> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the host list page filtered by the named host type.

The <hostList> element has one required attribute:

  • typeName – The name of the host type. The host type must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends. The host type cannot be defined as hidden. The pluginName must be prefixed to the host type name, for example, fullPluginName#hostTypeName.


The <planDetails> element is a child of the <action> element and defines a link to the plan details page for the latest version of the named plan.

The <planDetails> element has two required attributes:

  • path – The absolute path of the plan.

  • name – The name of the plan. The plan must be contained in the plug-in or in a plug-in on which this plug-in directly depends.