N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 XML Schema Reference Guide

<serverPluginJAR> Element

The <serverPluginJAR> element is a child of the <plugin> element and is used to declare the location of a server side plug-in JAR file that contains code to run on the Master Server. The location of this JAR file is relative to the root of the plug-in JAR file. This JAR file will typically contain component exporter implementations for the component types defined by the plug-in. Externally written code that is to run in the Master Server (for example, exporter classes) need not be in the same JAR file as the code that runs on the agent for the plug-in, though it is permissible.

The <serverPluginJAR> element has one attribute, jarPath, that contains the path name to the server-side plug-in JAR file. The path name is relative to the root of the plug-in JAR file. Leading slash (/) or period (.) characters are not permitted in the jarPath.