N1 Grid Service Provisioning System 5.0 XML Schema Reference Guide

<hostSearch> Element

The plug-in <hostSearch> element is a child of the <memberList> element and is used to declare a host search to be referenced by the plug-in. The name of the host search will be implicitly prefixed with the plug-in name when the host search is created in the system.

<hostSearch> Element Attributes

The <hostSearch> element has two attributes:

<hostSearch> Element Child Elements

The <hostSearch> element contains at least one of the following child elements:

Note –

Although the <criteriaList>, <appTypeCriteria>, and <physicalCriteria> elements are each optional, one of the three must be provided.

<criteriaList> Element

The <criteriaList> element is a child of the <hostSearch> element. It specifies a list of criteria to be added to the <hostSearch> element. The <criteriaList> element must be specified if <appTypeCriteria> and <physicalCriteria> are not specified.

The <criteriaList> element contains one or more <criteria> elements. The <criteria> element specifies a search criteria, including name, match type, and pattern. This element has three attributes:

<appTypeCriteria> Element

The <appTypeCriteria> element is a child of the <hostSearch> element. It specifies a list of application type criteria to be added to the <hostSearch> element. The arguments of the <appTypeCriteria> element are expressed as attributes, and order is not important. If all values are false or the element is empty or unspecified, the search disregards this criteria when performing the search. The <appTypeCriteria> element must be specified if <criteriaList> and <physicalCriteria> are not.

The <appTypeCriteria> element has three optional attributes:

<physicalCriteria> Element

The <physicalCriteria> element is a child of the <hostSearch> element. It specifies a list of physical type criteria to be added to the <hostSearch> element. The arguments of the <physicalCriteria> element are expressed as attributes, and order is not important. If all values are false or the element is empty or unspecified, the search disregards this criteria when performing the search. The <physicalCriteria> element must be specified if <criteriaList> and <appTypeCriteria> are not.

The <physicalCriteria> element has two optional attributes: