N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the WebLogic 8 Plug-In 1.0

Capturing and Editing WebLogic Applications

The WebLogic Common Tasks page enables you to capture, configure, and deploy WebLogic Enterprise, EJB technology, and Web Applications.

You can perform several specific tasks, as described in the following sections:

Note –

Do not deploy or manage your WebLogic applications outside of the N1 Grid Service Provisioning System. If you use the provisioning software, you must manage your WebLogic applications exclusively with the provisioning software.

ProcedureHow to Capture a WebLogic Enterprise Application or EAR File

  1. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic.

  2. Click the Enterprise Applications (EAR): Create link.

  3. Type a label for this component.

  4. Type a description for this component.

  5. Choose how you plan to import the application.

    For more information, see Browsing for an Enterprise Application.

    • If you are importing from the AdminServer, select WebLogic Admin Server and choose the WebLogic Admin Server from which you plan to import the EAR file.

    • If you are importing from a file system, select File System and choose the host from which you plan to import the EAR file.

  6. Navigate through the hierarchy to find the enterprise application to capture.

  7. Click Check-in Selected Item.

  8. Confirm the information on the check-in page, then click Continue to Check-in.

ProcedureHow to Capture a WebLogic Web Application or WAR File

  1. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic.

  2. Click Create in the Web Applications (WAR) section of the WebLogic Common Tasks page.

  3. Type a label for this component.

  4. Type a description for this component.

  5. Choose how you plan to import the application.

    For more information, see Browsing for a Web Application.

    • If you are importing from the AdminServer, select WebLogic Admin Server and choose the WebLogic Admin Server from which you plan to import the WAR file.

    • If you are importing from a file system, select File System and choose the host from which you plan to import the WAR file.

  6. Navigate through the hierarchy to find the web application to capture.

  7. Click Check-in Selected Item.

  8. Confirm the information on the check-in page, then click Continue to Check-in.

ProcedureHow to Capture a WebLogic JAR File

  1. In the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click WebLogic.

  2. Click Create in the Java Archives Containing EJBs (JAR) section of the WebLogic Common Tasks page.

  3. Type a label for this component.

  4. Type a description for this component.

  5. Choose how you plan to import the JAR file.

    For more information, see Browsing for a JAR or EJB File.

    • If you are importing from the AdminServer, select WebLogic Admin Server and choose the WebLogic Admin Server from which you plan to import the JAR file.

    • If you are importing from a file system, select File System and choose the host from which you plan to import the JAR file.

  6. Navigate through the hierarchy to find the JAR file to capture.

  7. Click Check-in Selected Item.

  8. Confirm the information on the check-in page, then click Continue to Check-in.