N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the Sun Java System Web Server Plug-In 1.0

WebServerInstance Component

The WebServerInstance component provides controls that enable you to stop, start, and restart Web Server instances. The component variables and component procedures available for use with the WebServerInstance component are described below. For instructions explaining how to control a Web Server instance, see Controlling the Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 2005Q1 SP4.

Component Variables


Path where the Web Server instance is installed on the target host.


The value you provided in the Server Identifier field on the Web Server Administration Server page when you created the Web Server instance.


Domain name of the system on which the Web Server instance is installed. If you did not specify a domain name in the Server Identifier field when you created the Web Server instance on the Administration Server, set the hostDomain value to null.


Port to use to access the Web Server instance.


Path for the Web Server to store content documents.


The value of this variable determines whether the provisioning server will create a boot script that will start the Web Server instance upon system boot. Valid values are y and n.


The value of this variable determines whether the provisioning server will start the Web Server instance when installation is complete. Valid values are y and n.


The provisioning system uses the installPath variable to identify the various Web Server instances. The default value of this variable is /tmp/hostName. hostName is the value that you entered for the hostName variable.

When you want to delete a Web Server instance, you must input the value of the installPath variable on the Plan run page in the installPath field.

Component Procedures


Use this procedure to start a Web Server instance.


Use this procedure to stop and then restart a Web Server instance.


Use this procedure to stop a Web Server instance.