N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the Sun Java System App Server Plug-In 1.0

ProcedureHow to Capture a Sun Java Enterprise System Application Server Web Application

  1. From the Common Tasks section in the browser interface, click Sun Java System AS 8.

  2. Under SJSAS Application Tasks->Web Applications (WARs) click Create New.

  3. Enter a component directory for this component. The com/sun/sjsas81 namespace is not valid.

  4. Enter a label for this component.

  5. Enter a description for this component.

  6. Enter the host where the WAR file is located.

    To select the host from a list, click Select From List.

  7. Navigate to the location of the WAR.

    1. If you know the path to the WAR, enter it in com.sun.sjsas81#WebappCT path.

    2. To browse the selected host, select the directory and click Open Highlighted Item.

  8. Select the WAR and click Open Highlighted Item.

  9. Click Check In Selected Item.

  10. Confirm the information on the check-in page, then click Continue to Check-in.