N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the Sun Java System App Server Plug-In 1.0


This section describes common problem you might encounter while using the Sun Java Enterprise System Application Server Plug-In.

If You Encounter Errors When Running a Task

If you encounter an error when running a task, double check that you didn't make these common mistakes.

Check Your Variable Names

When you create a variable set used by a plan, it is easy to enter the wrong variable value. For example, you might incorrectly enter a cluster name instead of a domain name.

Unavailable Ports

When entering port ranges in a variable set, check to make sure the ports are available on the target host or host sets.

Component Directory Namespace Problems When Installing Applications

The com.sun.sjsas81 namespace is invalid for user-supplied applications. When you enter a component directory for an application, make sure you change the namespace, as com.sun.sjsas81 is selected by default.

Problems During Installation

If you encounter errors when trying to install plug-in components, make sure the sourceImage variable points to a directory containing a valid install image of Sun Java Enterprise System Application Server.