N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 1.0

ProcedureHow to Add a New Provisioning Subnet

You can use several subnets to provision operating systems. The following steps explain how to add a new subnet to the OS provisioning server.

Before You Begin

Verify that the OS provisioning server, the boot and install server for the applicable operating system, and the target host are in the same IP network.

  1. Create a new subnet component as described in How to Identify the Subnet for the OS Provisioning Server (Browser Interface).

    For IP connectivity, you have two options:

    • Create new IP addresses for the OS provisioning server .

    • Use existing IP addresses, but create a route for DHCP packets to reach from the target to the OS provisioning server.

  2. Create new interfaces on the boot and install servers for the new subnet or define routes so that the boot and install server can be reached by the target.

  3. Verify that the file system shares are updated to deliver the OS media in this new subnet.

  4. Verify that the targets are in this subnet.

  5. Edit the profile you want to provision for IP addresses to be in the new subnet.