N1 Grid Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 1.0

ProcedureHow to Install the OS on the Target Host

  1. In the Common Tasks section of the provisioning software page, select OS Provisioning.

  2. On the OS Provisioning Common Tasks page, click Provision OS in the Windows Images section.

  3. Navigate to the Windows folder that contains the provision component.

    For example, /com/sun/n1osp/autogen-masterserver-windows/provision/.

  4. Click the component name.

    For example, Windows2000_x86

  5. On the Component Details page, click the Run action next to the Provision_start:Install procedure.

  6. Select the target host on which to provision the operating system.

    Tip –

    The target host should have a host name that ends in -target.

  7. Click Run Plan (includes preflight).