Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 2.0

JumpStart Enterprise Toolkit (JET) Technology

The OS provisioning plug-in uses the features provided through the JumpStartTM Enterprise Toolkit (JET) technology to provision the Solaris Operating System (OS). JET is an enhancement to the Sun-developed JumpStart technology that automates the installation of the Solaris OS over a network. The OS provisioning plug-in through JET enhances this capability further, while hiding some of the complexity.

JET Modules

JET technology provides the JumpStart server with product-specific modules that install the Solaris OS and other products in a structured way. This structure enhances the features that you can implement through “ad-hoc” scripting of the JumpStart finish script.

The OS provisioning plug-in supplies three JET modules:

Solaris Installation Process through JET

The build sequence of the JumpStart Enterprise Toolkit is as follows:

  1. Standard Solaris installation phase

  2. Call standard JumpStart finish script

  3. Call individual module “install” scripts

  4. Reboot target server

  5. (Optional) Platform related installation tasks; reboot after each level

  6. (Optional) Application related installation tasks; reboot after each level

  7. (Optional) Final installation tasks (no reboot)

  8. login prompt appears on the console

The optional steps after the initial reboot depend on the individual modules configured within the target server template. Modules can be written in such a way that they request that the toolkit perform additional work after the first reboot. In this request, the modules can identify whether the work should be in the platform-related area, the application-related area, or whether the work needs to be done at the end, when no more reboots are planned.