Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User's Guide and Release Notes for the OS Provisioning Plug-In 2.0

ProcedureHow to Install Windows RSH Server on the Windows RIS Server

The OS provisioning plug-in supports WinRsh (Native Windows RSH Service) for Windows 2003.

  1. Install Windows Services for Unix 3.5 (SFU3.5) software on the Windows boot and install server.

    You can install this software either from Windows Resource Kit CD or an online location. This package includes Windows Remote Shell Service (RSH) service. For SFU install instructions, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 321712 .

  2. Install and configure Windows RSH (WinRsh service) on the RIS server as N1 RSH user (that is, as user root).

    For more information, see

    Note –

    Incorrect file permissions can cause WinRsh to fail. Symptoms of this problem include an Access denied message to the client and a log entry in the Event Viewer. To resolve this problem, assign full permissions to the user group Administrators/SYSTEM in the .rhosts ACL list.

    The following example shows the contents of the system-drive/windows/system32/drivers/etc/.rhosts file.

    ------------------ root